#4 After Hours

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~ Close - Nick Jonas ~

"Want to hangout tonight?" Evelyn asks as we walk to her car. School's over, Ollie did not gp today. He's sick unfortunately which leaves me to deal with Evelyn alone. I love her but Ollie balances out her craziness for me. She wasn't always a part of the group.

Ollie and I became best friends when we were twelve. Evelyn moved and came to Ridgeview High during grade ten. I volunteered to show her around at the time and she stuck around with me. I didn't mind at first. She has her moments.

God, I sound like a terrible friend don't I?

"Sure," I smile at Evelyn. Thankfully no one can read my thoughts. How I portray myself to the world and how others see me, is way different than who I am. Honestly I don't know who I am, if I'm being honest. I haven't shown a "different" side of me. I just grew up to be what everyone expected me to be.

High grades. Captain of the debate team, mathletes and mock trial club. Staying out of trouble. Wearing clothes bought for me rather than buying my own. Not going to parties, drinking, doing drugs or anything teenagers perceive as fun these days.

I grew up following the rules because I'm too scared to step out of my comfort zone. Scared of how my parents would react. Now everyone just expects nothing but the best of me. It has it's advantages like a bright future ahead of me.

But it fucking sucks.

It gets boring from time to time. I basically read, sleep, study and hangout with Ollie and Evelyn every once in a while. Sure Ollie does a few "bad" things like drink and smoke but he's on the football team. Basically almost everyone on the football team does. Not that that's an excuse, it's just not surprising.

And Evelyn, it's what you'd call a good girl and nerd. I've been called the same things as if they were insults. I don't see the problem with being good or smart. She's almost like me. I don't really think anyone is "like" me.

"Your place or mine?" She asks as I get into the passenger seat of her Toyota.

"My parents are gone for business again. Mine," I declare. They leave every other week on Friday for a business trip. But this time they took my sister because they couldn't get my grandma to babysit.

And they trust me to be home alone.

She begins driving and I roll down the window. The light breeze blows against my face. It's Friday and I get to sleep in thankfully.

According to Grey on Monday, tonight is the night I'm supposed to hangout with him. I told him I'd think about it but I never agreed to it nor did I deny. But it doesn't matter anyways because he hasn't talked to me all week. I also found out after lunch, he's in another one of my classes. But he hasn't bothered talking to me so I guess the "unsealed" deal is off.

I didn't want to go anyways. He's nothing but trouble and hanging out with him would just be a one way ticket to my ass in jail. My parents would be furious if they received a phone call of having to pick me up from jail.

The car comes to a complete stop and I realize, we're here.


"Ev, it's eleven pm on a Friday night. You don't need to go to sleep, you're not at your parents house," I remind her as she crawls under my blanket. She shakes her head.

"Early bird gets the worm. Plus I'm committed to this routine, my brain has to-"

"Yeah, yeah just go to sleep." Ollie and I hear the same speech over and over every time she sleeps over at one of our houses. A reason why we never go to hers is because she makes us do the same and wake up at the ass crack of dawn.

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