#19 Distraction

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~ Hands to Myself - Selena Gomez ~

"Miss Prince, I think it's best we find you help," Mrs. Benson says. She's the principle. Yes, I have a meeting with the principal on a Friday morning.

"Like what?" I ask.

She places down four papers in front of me. "Well, maybe tutoring but a straight A student doesn't just drop significantly. Possibly there's something going on in your life or a distraction. Perhaps a counsellor or someone you can talk to," she says.

I pick up the most recent tests in front of me. D, D-, C- and a F. I'm fucked if my parents see this. How the hell did I do so bad?! I look up at Mrs. Benson.

"I heard you stopped going to your clubs. You missed the past few debate matches," she says.

I don't want to do that anymore. How do I tell her that without sounding like I went down the wrong path? "I am not interested in those extracurriculars anymore. And don't worry about my grades, I can get them up," I assure. I'll just have to bust my ass this spring break.

She nods slowly. "Well, I'll be in contact with your parents-"

"No!" I shout. She gives me a concerning look. I clear my throat and sit up straighter. "I mean no. I can tell them myself. It'll probably be better anyways and I'll have them call you to create a solution. I just think it's better if it comes from me," I tell her.

She nods understandingly. "Alright well it is lunch time soon so you're free to go. I suggest stopping by the library to get some textbooks or educational books for extra help," she offers. I nod and stand up, throwing my backpack straps over my shoulders.

"Thank you so much. I'll be in touch after spring break. Have a good day," I smile before leaving her office. I'm fucked. How the hell have my grades dropped so fast?

I head straight to the library searching for a book for my english book report. Guess what? It's due today and I haven't even started it. I'm so behind in everything.

My schedules sit on a desk in my room collecting dust. I don't even remember the last time I sat at my desk to do my work. I've been hanging out, sneaking out and sleeping. I don't have much on my plate if you think about it.

I just... forgot.

The bell rang forty minutes ago for lunch but I'm now on my way. I make it to my lunch table with barely five minutes to spare. "Where were you?" Cam asks. I place down my test on the table for everyone to see.

"Meeting with the principal. I'm falling behind. College decisions come out next week. I already got early acceptance with a scholarship to my dream university. If they see this shit, they can take it away by the snap of their fingers," I tell her.

Evelyn stays quiet, shoving her crackers in her mouth. "Well fuck Harley," Ollie breathes as he stares at my grades.

"Well fuck is right. I can say goodbye to Ridgeview University!" I cry dramatically. "Gone, gone, gone and gone. Not to mention my parents are going to murder me brutally!"

"You could change the grade for your parents. Like take someone else's work and write your name on it," Cam suggests.

I snap my head to Evelyn who's already shaking her head. I know she got an A. "Please Ev," I beg. She shakes her head again and crosses her arm. I really did not want to play this card. "I helped you with your problems this week. Help me with mine," I say but this time it isn't a question.

She sighs, reaching into her bag and pulling out her marked tests. I take them reviewing them over. Straight A's. The bell rings. "Thanks love," I mutter before walking off. I take my hair out of it's high ponytail letting it fall over my shoulders.

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