#18 Fuck-Toy

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~ Sex With Me - Rihanna ~

"Just don't talk to him. At all," Cam whispers as we walk into the school. Evelyn made me kick her out so she came over early this morning so I could tell her everything.

After Evelyn got rejected by Ollie, she ran into Grey and asked him to have sex with her. And with Grey being the man-whore he is, he said yes, fucked her and then kicked her out right after.

I mean this is Greyson West we're talking about. That's not a surprise.

I don't care that Grey is hooking up with other people. But it doesn't mean I want to hear about it. And it doesn't mean it has to be with my best friend.

"I'm not. I'm done with Grey this time Cam. I mean it," I tell her. She snorts a laugh. "What?"

She pats my shoulder a few times. "We all know you aren't. Because you say you are and then the next day or even hours later you're all over each other. Again, and again," she exaggerates.

I shake my head. "Help me then. I can't get involved with Grey. It won't end well." I open my locker and begin looking for my math work.

Cam sighs as she opens up her locker. "Babe I wish I could help you, I really want to but you gotta do it on your own. I can help you when I'm with you but when I'm not, you're alone to make the decisions. Just get past this week. Spring break is next week, then you can stay away from him for a full week. By the end of it, you'll completely forget about him."

Shit. I completely forgot about spring break. "Do you want to come to my Lake Simone with me for spring break?" I ask Cam. Every year Ollie's and my parents rent out a Cabin for spring break on Lake Simone. It's a huge cabin, practically the size of my house. Four bedrooms, kitchen, hottub, living room and all.

"Sure. I mean my mom is going to be working all spring break which means I'm alone," she says.

"Ollie and I go three with our families every year. We always get the chance to invite at least one person each." But Ollie and I usually just invite Evelyn together.

Cam's eyebrows pinch together. "Wouldn't that mean Grey is coming?" She asks. Grey usually never came because he was away at a football camp. The times he did come were before high school and last year he didn't come. I could only assume he went down south to where college kids spend spring break.

I shake my head. "Nah, he never comes. He hasn't gone in like five years," I tell her. She nods before closing back her locker. I close mine at the same time and turn around.

Big mistake.

My eyes lock with Grey across the hall. His friends are talking to him but he's not saying a single word to them. He's silent, watching me.

"Harley I will smack you, stop thinking about that asshole," Cam threatens.

I laugh at her words and turn back around. "I'm fine, 100%. I'm over him. Don't even worry. It's not like I'm going to hook up with him again. Completely don-" Cam places her hand over my mouth.

"You're rambling, babe. Class," she reminds.

I nod as she takes her hand off my mouth. "Yes, class." I turn around and walk straight to Mr. Jefferson's room without looking back. I walk into the room and head to my seat at the back. Cam takes a seat next to me.

And then he walks in.

I slide in my seat, turning to face Cam. "I forgot he was in this class. Cammy, he sits right next to me," I babble. She laughs softly, placing her hand on my bouncing knee.

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