#12 Two Flirts

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~ Falling - Chase Atlantic ~

"I think you should curl it," Camryn suggests as I blow dry my hair. She opens the drawer and pulls out my curling iron before plugging it in.

"We are going to be late," I tell her. We're already late. I invited her over early so we could dye my hair permanently.

She shrugs. "So what? Beauty hurts and attractiveness takes time. I'm sure Jefferson won't mind," she whistles as she walks out of the bathroom. I take the curling iron and begin curling my hair.

I cancelled my plans with Ollie yesterday to hangout with Camryn alone. He probably would've cancelled anyway due to his hangover. I just don't know how I'm supposed to explain to him while there is a video of me on top of his brother, making out, circling the internet.

If he even knew it was me. The hair, the clothes all look different and you can't even see my face. Maybe I can get away with it. Somehow lie and say it wasn't me. But I don't want to lie to Ollie. I've never lied to him. Well a few times now since Grey. I'm pretty sure he actually believes I have a job.

"The videos are gone!" Camryn shouts as she runs back in. "They're gone. All of them. I went to check to see the likes because it was getting a lot of likes," she exaggerates as she talks. "But it's gone. All of them. All you have to do now is hope Ollie didn't see it."

That makes my job much easier. I plug out the curling iron and grab my backpack. "Okay, let's go. I do not want to be late." Cam and I quickly run out to her car parked in the driveway. We get in and she begins driving to school right away.

Surprisingly we made it with a couple minutes to spare. Camryn and I get out and walk into the school together. Maybe I didn't notice it before but or maybe it never happened before but today there is an excessive amount of eyes on us.

"Hey Harley, Camryn," a guy from the football team greets. I can always tell whether they're on Ollie's team or not because they always wear their letterman jackets. And I thought that was only in movies.

"Hi," I greet back silently but Cam doesn't say a word. Instead she continues walking with me to our lockers which by the way are side by side, with her head held high. A few more boys greet us on the walk there where I quietly reply and Cam doesn't at all.

Once we make it to our lockers we open them up. "Gosh we really need to work on your confidence," Cam breathes as she begins taking out her books.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

She closes her locker and faces me as I quickly clean up and reorganize my books. "Your confidence levels. If a guy says hey you either A. don't reply or B. reply with a confident voice. Not a little hi," she explains. My eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"That was probably the first time a guy has greeted me in the hall that wasn't Ollie or Justin," I tell her.

"Well I have much to teach you then. Well come to Camryn's Class 101. First up a pop quiz, flirting test. We need a test subject," Camryn mumbles as she looks around the hallway.

"Um, Cam I don't really know about that- oh okay," I say as she lightly pushes me to the left. I look up to be faced with Ollie. I look back over my shoulder to see Camryn encouraging me. Ollie will probably just find this funny if it fails. I hope at least.

"Heyyyy Ollie," I drawl. I already want to jump off a cliff.

His attention is all on my hair and looks. I'm wearing ripped jeans and a shirt that fits. And I mean a good fit, it's not crop nor is it long and baggy like my usual wear. "I like your hair, and clothes. It suits you. You look good H," he compliments.

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