#35 Gun F*cking

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~ S&M - Rihanna ~

⚠️ Content Warning! - Intense-ish gun play. Safe word used. If you are planning on skipping read the first part then skim to the end because you'll need to know the info ⚠️


Ollie, Evelyn, Cam and I plan on going to the fair today. Yes, Evelyn. Ollie invited her, well, she overheard and invited herself and Ollie being the nice guy he is, agreed. I am definitely not looking forward to it but I can still have fun.

Evelyn and I used to have fun all the time. Maybe we can even fix our issues and just be friends. I won't lie, I miss her even as a friend. Just a little.

I pair my black denim shorts with a black crop top and oversized jacket. It's not even mine, I think it's Grey's. I'm not a hundred percent sure but he tends to always forget random stuff in my room.

I haven't seen him since graduation. Neither has Cam seen Jet. Along with Emmett and Zion, they're out doing whatever illegal activities they do. I feel like it's more than selling drugs, or else why would Grey come back with a black eye or bloody nose each time.

But I'm not worried, if Grey chooses to do those things, that's on him. It's his life, I can't tell him not to, I doubt he'd listen to me.

I have a good future. I haven't told anyone but I got accepted into a university. It's a little far from here, about a 29 hour drive across the country. Everywhere else I got rejected or I'm still waitlisted. Unless I go to the community college, which I would rather not.

I don't want to tell Grey about it, at least not right now. I will, maybe closer to summer ending. I want to see how far we can get in this "relationship" first. If it doesn't work out, I won't have to see him. But if it does... maybe he'll be willing to try long distance.

I shake my head, getting rid of any negative thoughts. I can't think about this right now. I've already accepted so it's set. Two months of summer before I leave.

I grab my bag and walk out of my room. Elle's at a playdate so luckily I don't have to watch her right now. I just have to be back in time tonight to pick her up down the street and then watch her. Duties of an older sister am I right?

I head outside and across my lawn to the West's house. I open the door, not bothering to knock or anything. I don't have to just because our families are so close. "OLLIE!" I shout, scouting the entire ground floor before walking upstairs.

I walk into his empty bedroom and look around. "Ollie if you're trying to scare me, it's not going to end well," I mutter before sitting on his bed. I pull out my phone and search for his contact name. The phone rings a few times before he picks up.

"Heyyyy Harley!" He drawls. I know that voice.

"Oliver James West."

"I'm stuck in traffic, I'll be there in 20 to 30 minutes," he says in between breaths. He is definitely not in traffic or in a car.

All I hear is shuffling in the background. "Ollieee," I drawl.

"Invite Cam or Evelyn over. I'll just pick you both up from there. Be there in..." he pauses. "Shit. 53 minutes according to the GPS. Later!" He hangs up before I can further investigate. Why is he so far away?

As I'm about to call Cam, I hear a deep laugh. I'm pretty sure Ollie's parents left for a business trip. I walk out of the room and down the hall to a door creaked open. I push it wider to see Grey playing video games with headset on.

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