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The whole day Bongeka had been fed with different flavoured smoothies by Marco.
"Sweetheart" he responded with his smile
"Why did you give me that book?"
"I didn't, I just put it here" he said tapping the bed with his big hand.
"For what?"
"Could it happen that my curious Pandora read it?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Me? No! I'd never read anything without your permission, I mean I hate vampires and their useless bonds and coterie... I mean I saw that from the synopsis I didn't read it I sw-"
"Shut up! You're rambling Pandora I hate it!"
"I'm sorry"
"Okay, I'm sorry for shouting. So did you read the book? Be honest I won't scold you I promise" he asked in a low tone this time.
Bongeka nodded.
"What did you read about?"
"the bonds?"
Bongeka nodded again.
"You need to make a final decision, can I turn you?"
"NO! Hmm no I mean not yet"
"we're running out of time, I'm tired of playing hide and seek with you!" Marco scolded.

Bongeka felt her palms sweating, her breathing accelerated "Don't you dare shout at me!"
Even herself was surprised with her newly found courage while Marco wasn't even bothered.

Bongeka pushed Marco and he flew and slammed on the door. She gasped seeing that she just did the impossible, she pushed a wolf like she was blowing a fur.

"I see my herbs are working faster than I anticipated" Marco said in amusement
"What are you talking about?"
"nothing you should worry about my Pandora, but you're going to die soon" he threatened.
"Marco please, don't kill me I thought we were friends"
"haha, friends?" he asked with a raised eyebrow
"Marco please"
"Pandora, let me turn you or I will do it by force. I want you to break the vampire's bonds. All of them!" Marco commanded.
"I can't, I'm just a girl"
"I will tell you how to"
Bongeka slowly nodded, she doesn't want to do this, she can't even break those bonds. But her life was at stake ; she had no choice.

Marco could just scratch or bite Bongeka for her to turn into a wolf. But with his research about Pandora, turning her without her consent will turn out sour for them. The last thing Marco wants is Pandora hating werewolves. If she could be turned without her permission,she'd resent Marco then turn against him or kill him.

"How will I know if the herbs won't kill me?" Bongeka asked, the herbs part really alerted her.
"The herbs are for your healing, the vampires injected you with a venomous poison, that type of poison is the one that destroys your internal organs slowly with you feeling the pain" Marco explained.

"How do you know that?"
"When was the last time had you seen the reflection of yourself?" Marco threw this own question without answering Bongeka.
"hmm, I don't know it's been weeks"

Bongeka has been here for a few weeks, and to her surprise, she never looked at herself in a mirror. She'd bath and wear whatever was prepared for her. She was too stressed to even think about a mirror.

"Now I see why you never noticed the change in your eyes, they were changing colour. The white part was brown and the black part was white" he explained earning herself a scream from Bongeka.

"With these smoothies I've been giving you, your eyes are back to normal"
"I almost died!" she gasped not believing Nicholas wanted her dead.

"Fine!" she blurted, Marco looked at her with a confused expression.
"Turn me! I want to teach Nicholas a lesson along with my evil stepfather" she said pacing up and down. Marco's lips curved into a smile.
"I will talk to Seth," Marco said before leaving. Seth is the one who is supposed to turn Bongeka because he was the Alpha werewolf ( a leader of a werewolves' pack).


Yamkelwe still had the girl that possessed Pandora's spirit before Bongeka. He somehow thinks she can help them find Pandora's box.
"I'm certain that you still have some sort of connection with Pandora's spirit" Yamkelwe said.
"I can't connect with the box, please it wasn't me who was killing your kind it was her, I mean Pandora. I was just possessed by her spirit, a demonic spirit that made me do horrible things" She pleaded hoping the vampire was going to show a little bit of compassion.
"Very well miss, give me that 'demon' than I will consider sparing you"
"Be quick Kitty!"
"I'm Cate not kitty" she corrected
"Okay kitty get to it"

Cate was left alone trying to meditate. Few minutes later she felt like she was being struck by lightning, she became dizzy and her whole body was aching. She screamed in pain. Yamkelwe and other coterie members budge in to see what was happening. Her whole body was written something that they didn't understand. Cate stood up and ran out.
"Catch her!" Nicholas shouted
"No, don't catch her just follow her scent. She may be leading us to Pandora's box" Yamkelwe said.

Dlamini was reading his newspaper as usual when his wife requested to talk to her. " My love, it's been weeks and Bongeka hasn't called. Also her phone doesn't go through"
" That's because she is busy with duties of being a wife"
"but we need to know if she is okay"
"Woman I said she is fine. Nicholas paid so much money for her. We can't be bothering his wife. Bongeka is not your responsibility anymore. She is someone's wife!" He yelled as usual.
"Dlamini I'm tired of you! You've been bullying me for sixteen years. I'm tired now!"
"You are tired huh? Tired because I raised that demon you called a child, you are talking about that evil killer?"
"Dlamini... have you gone insane? You are really a mental case shame! I wish Bongeka's father never died "

Bongeka's mother was stopped by a hard slap that landed her in the floor and few of her teeth were on the floor with her sticky blood dropping slowly on the floor.
Instead of crying she just sat there shocked. Her husband had always been a bully but not even once did he beat her.
Dlamini was a few meters away from her but it took him less than a second to grab her by her neck.
"D-O-N-'-T E-V-E-R TALK T-O M-E L-I-K-E T-H-A-T! Dlamini said calmly but his voice was firm.
Mrs Dlamini was too shocked to say anything. Dlamini then smiled showing his fangs that no one knew about.
Mrs Dlamini just peed on herself realizing what he was.

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