Unfinished Sacrifice

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“Mark me? I don't want to be a vampire. I don't want to be an animal!” Bongeka cried out.
“That's too rich coming from a werewolf human—a filthy dog,” Yamkelwe said, feeling sad about Bongeka's words. It hurt him to know that Bongeka saw him as an animal . His eyes became dark as he stood up and left Bongeka there.

“I wasn't going to turn you, I was going to mark you and reverse the mark as soon as I got back” He informed her before walking out.
Bongeka instantly regretted her words. She didn't mean any of that. She was just shocked by the idea of being a vampire forgetting that she was already a wolf.
The thought of a wolf brought her back to the day of the sacrifice. Her wolf instinct told her that there was something sinister about that event. She decided to let that slide however. It was none of his business anyway.

Yamkelwe disturbed her thoughts “I think it's time I give you back the life that Nicholas took away from you” He said without even looking at her. Seeing that she was confused, he continued “I will take you back to your mother. I'm sure misses you”

“No please, I miss her but I can't go there now. Nora promised to teach me how to control my power.  I don't want to lose control in the human world. They will kill me thinking I'm lucifer or something” she thought about what Marco told her. Humans are clueless about these creatures, the scientists are hungry for new discoveries” she pleaded seeing that her lover was angry with her and ready to chase her out.
“Yamkelwe please, I'm not ready to explain of this to my mother. She will ask me about you, she will ask me about Nicholas. Remember you killed him in front of her?”

“Sweets, I didn't kill Nicholas. Wherever he is, he is alive and kicking if not rogue. I compelled your mother to forget about me. If you want to stay with Nora it's okay. But she won't be able to keep you safe  from the other vampires unless she marks you”

“I don't want to be marked by her, I want to be marked by you. Remember you said you love me? Were you not serious?”

Yamkelwe smiled thinking of how she liked to use the love card against him every time.  “Are you going to use that everytime when you want to get to me?”

“I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I didn't mean it. You're not an animal, you're my boyfriend. I don't think there is any animal that is as beautiful as you.”  her eyes were already teary. Yamkwele was hurt by the sight, even if he wanted to be angry at her he couldn't.

“It's okay sweets. Please don't cry, I don't want you to cry.” Bongeka wiped her tears smiling.

“But beautiful isn't the name you should have used” he laughed. “I mean I'm a guy. A man precisely”

“It was  a compliment. Unlike someone who  called me a filthy dog just a few minutes ago” She said putting her hand dramatically on her chest pretending to be hurt.

“I didn't mean all of that sweets,” he said regretfully.

“You don't have to apologize, I know you hate werewolves. That's why you call them filthy dogs. Since I'm one, I'm your filthy dog”

“My—mine. I like that sound. Filthy dog, my filthy dog”


Alpha Seth was still stressed over the missing girls.
“Alpha I have good news” Marco said cheerfully
“Did you find the girls?” Seth snapped.
“No but —”
“Then shut up!”
“I found the vampire that will help us take down Yamkelwe”

“You are crazier than I had anticipated . Marco I'm tired of your rustic plans. How can you trust a blood sucker? Those things turn against each other. What do you think they will do to you? You're not even their kind”

“Alpha, Vampires had always been divided. That will work on our advantage. Remember an enemy of an enemy is a friend”
“Expel me from those plans. I don't want any vampires on my territory” Seth said dismissal.
“Even if it's a royal vampire?” Seth smirked, already feeling proud of himself.
“A royal vampire?”
“Yes Alpha Seth. Precious, the last born”
Seth gasped in astonishment.
“How did you manage to get a royal on your side? I can't believe this” Seth suddenly became grouchy.

“I have my own ways”  —Marco
“it's probably a trap. Fool!”
“Okay, I will take down Yamkelwe on my own”
“That, I will see”

Seth couldn't believe that Marco got hold of the royal vampire. He had been trying to do that for decades with no luck. Royal vampires are unavailable even to their own kind. To get one to work for you was another story.
He actually wished Marco was lying. If not, at least his plan shouldn't work. He couldn't wait for Marco to come back to him with his tail between his legs to confess that things didn't go well. And he will be ready to say ‘I told you so’ and then save the day as an Alpha.
He was jealous of how much Marco was the master of plans.
Deep down he knew he wasn't meant to be an alpha. He wasn't born to be one and didn't even grow to be one. He remembered when challenged the previous alpha but lost the battle. He actually surrendered to save his life. He couldn't accept defeat and resorted into cheating his way to the top by using witchcraft. He made a deal with the witches who were and still the enemies of the wolves.

Want to know what the deal was? Of course you do…
The witches gave her the strength of fighting and defeating the previous alpha. In return they wanted him to sacrifice nine girls at least twice a year. Apparently there more sacrifices were done in one year meant more power. So the survival of the fittest battle that always had to happen on every full moon was just a cover up for Seth to kill nine girls and give them to the witches and gain himself some new wolf.
Seth deceived his pack. But one thing he didn't know was that he was giving more power to the witches instead of his kind.

That's why he was determined to get back those remaining girls to finish the sacrifice because the witches are threatening to take back his Alpha strength. He didn't afford to have that because any wolf would kill him to get the alpha role.

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