Chapter 4

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Joven and I start walking to his parents' house. The stone pathway is well worn and decorated with patches of green grass of some kind. The mist seems to hover just above my ankles, but I can still see my path easily. It feels mystical and magical all at the same time. Now, I just need to connect with my new husband. Walking in silence, but holding hands, we walk between two businesses toward a lit tunnel. Needing to say something, to help break the tension, questions start flowing from my mouth.

"So, earlier, after we got married, and while you were busy, I had the chance to look around Dewstone. It's very beautiful, almost picturesque." Clever Pann, so witty, keep trying, "I think I counted seven tunnels, is that correct?" There that was a good, well-formed question, it seems taking that psychology class my freshman year in college is going to come in useful after all.

"Yes," Joven says and keeps walking with my hand in his. Okay, I can try again, I admit that I'm the one at fault earlier, with a poor attitude. It's our wedding day and my temper flared, with unfounded accusations. Not sure at what point it happened, but my anger was bad enough to send his best friend running for the hills; literally. Maybe, I should have taken more than one semester of Psych in college.

"Do they have names on the tunnels or do you just call them tunnel a, b, c, d and so forth?" I try again to start a conversation with Joven.

"Yes, most of them have names," and he stops talking again, but continues walking. Well, to heck with this! He keeps pushing me and he will see one heck of a temper. Digging my sandals into the ground, I decide I'll go no further into a marriage like this. My parents were happily married, and I'm not willing to accept defeat on Day One.

"Look Joven," pulling his hand back to make him turn and face me, "I'm in a new world, I have no one, and my arm really is hurting. I don't want to start, whatever this is, like we aren't at least friends. But you're going to have to meet me halfway," I finish and wait to see what he will decide, silence or communication.

"I'm sorry wife, I know you are right. It's been a long two days and so many things have been left unsaid between us still. I'm confused why you won't refer to me as "husband," but I don't think tonight is the appropriate time to discuss deep things."

Deep? What's deep about that? Before I can say anything, he continues.

"Yes, there are seven tunnels total, we are entering the tunnel called "Seca," where my parents live. The other tunnels are called "Cara," "Hanno," and "Inga." You and I will be living in "Cara," and it's just the next tunnel over. The other three tunnels we can discuss on your Grand Tour tomorrow."

"Grand Tour," and this time we are both smiling and looking goofily at each other. "I'm looking forward to it Joven," which, I remind myself, IS his name, not sure why it's a big deal but I'm just wanting to get some pain relief, a bed, and sleep, in that order.

Walking up the pathway to yet another whitish house, but it's different than the other because the door is painted yellow and flowers adorn the entrance. Joven knocks and we enter in to see his both his parents sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. They both rise, walk over and give me a warm, welcoming hug. A warm feeling engulfs me and I'm reminded one of the reasons I chose to marry Joven. Family, this is my new family.

"Do you have time to talk?" his father asks.

"No, Dad," Joven seems a little off with his dad, but I'm determining myself not to over analyze anything. Joven said give him a week, and that's what I'm determined to do, "we just need to grab Pann's stuff, she's in pain and I want to give her the herbal meds that Doctor Woolsly left earlier."

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