Chapter 21

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Seeing my wife run out of the library, had me wanting to jump and run, but Heif held me down. I turned and growled at him, but he seems unaffected by my mean face threat.

"Growl all you want Joven, but that girl needs time, and she's gone to the best place." Turning, I see her enter the Reflection Room. I nod my head in agreement, and move farther out of Heif's grasp.

Staring at the old wooden door to the Reflection Room, I see another girl enter. Her name is Megan; Rory's new wife. Seems I'm not alone with a confused wife, but that thought brings me no helpful resolution or comfort.

"Hey Heif and Joven," I turn and look as Hannah enters the Pond.

"Thanks, again, for helping me with my wife." I continue staring and willing the doors to open with me eyes, but refusing to use my Vision. "Is there anything I need to know?"

All three of us are relaxing in the shallow end of the Pond, no one else close to us, but Hannah stills leans forward and whispers.

"I won't break a friend's trust, but I can tell you what happened. I went to the chapter of the book you thought might be the problem. She asked some direct questions, which I answered the way I would if she were my daughter Bethany. Pann in return, fainted!" she whispers a little louder than necessary.

"Fainted?" I ask getting even louder than Hannah, and Heif hushes us both back down.

"Why would she faint? Are their birthing pictures in the female book of the Purity Ring?" Again, I look at the still closed doors.

"She fainted after I said that the ring was not for birth control, but for rejecting her husband," she shrugged. "I'm sorry Joven, I had no idea she would react so strongly."

"Can I go to her now?" I turn looking at Heif, who just shakes his head no. My brain takes a moment to process what Hannah just said. "Wait Hannah, did you say Pann thought it was for birth control?"

"Yes, she seemed the most upset over that bit of information," and things begin clicking into place in my brain.

"You know the reason, you have her action, now you need to plan your reaction. Don't worry about Karmony, I'll handle her. You need to try think of a way to win your bride back," Heif says and I hate knowing he's right.

"Yes Joven, Heif is correct, and you continually staring at the Reflection Room doors is not going to make her reappear. Go home and figure this all out, you only have one full day left. She confirmed to me yesterday, that she was heading back to her apartment Friday afternoon." Silently agreeing with them both, and knowing my two hours are up, I get out of the Pond and hurry home to change clothes.

Hannah and Heif said to stay home, but maybe she wants me to be there when she exits. It's my wife, I know better than them. Well, maybe not more than Hannah, but definitely more than Heif! And I'm basically really tired of people telling me to step away from my wife.

Changing clothes in record time, I'm back in the cavern and staring at the doors. Someone is also here; it seems I'll have company while I'm waiting. I see Rory pacing the entrance to the Reflection Room. Maybe he's seen Pann. I can totally play this cool. Like I haven't also misplaced my wife.

"Hey Rory!" I start walking towards him. "Have you seen my wife, Pann?" He stops pacing and looks at me, tilting his head.

"Why Joven, have you lost your wife also?" he laughs. So much for playing it cool. "No one has come out since I got here. A friend texted me to say he saw my wife going in, do you think we should go in?"

It is kind of funny, two newlyweds' husbands that have temporarily misplaced their wives. Must be a world record for marital mistakes, and I'm betting going inside would count as a bigger mistake than any previous thing I've done.

"No, we should give them some space." And I sit on the stone bench while he resumes pacing. Being men with only one X chromosome, our thoughts come slow, but sometimes they are correct; sometimes.

Rory and I end up talking for the next two hours and learn we have some things in common. Both our wives are from UpAbove, both are confused, and both are married to men who should never be allowed to write a book on marriage.

The doors finally open, but only the caretaker, Joshua comes out, takes one look at both of and starts laughing. Well, at least I know both our wives are inside and safe.

"I wondered if both of you would be along," he offers and shakes both our hands. "Before you ask, both of your wives are fine. They talked for a little while and then settled down for quiet contemplation. Neither of the ladies look like they are fixing to leave any time soon." He starts to walk to his home tunnel, and turns back, "Oh, and Joven, your wife is as quick-witted as she is pretty; congrats! I have a feeling you will never be bored in your marriage." I can hear him chuckling as he walks away.

What did he mean by that? Before I can respond, Heif shows up in my face. He simply points his finger at my chest and then to the direction to Cara tunnel and home.

"Now Joven, go home or I will call you father, and I know you don't want any more marital advice today; do you?" I shiver at his words, good golly No!

Saying a quick good-bye to Heif and Rory, I head home. Not wanting to admit total defeat, I sit on my couch with deadly determination not to sleep till my eyes see my wife. Her suitcase is packed, sitting by the door, with Kitty propped on top. She seems equally determined to leave me. I can't waste this chance to make things right. Grabbing my biggest mug for coffee, taking small sips to stay awake, I remain facing the front door. Willing my eyes to remain open, all night if need be.... And twenty minutes later... I'm asleep....

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