Chapter 28

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The months keep speeding by, we go into Fall, and Winter is fast approaching. Birthdays, anniversaries are celebrated in the gymnasium. New baby Dewbies arrive and life continues on in a normal fashion. I never tell Pann about the forgotten Ancient tablet, it's really not a concern, since I have the ring.

The only problem I have lately, is my Vision is watered, not clear as usual. I feel something coming, but have no way to know what. I check every day that the ring remains in my dresser. Pann has worn it a few times, when we visit my parents, but it goes right back into the box when we get home.

Pann tells me that Karmony and Hattie come by her store often, and they've even had lunch together a few times. Karmony must be accepting of our vows now, and I've seen her with Heif a few times. The tunnels were never talked about again. I think my 'over the top' reaction scared Pann from ever mentioning them again. We really need to talk about all these things running around my head, and we will be after the holidays and winter solstice.

Already it's December and just two days before Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. Pann has been more tired than normal, but that is a common complaint being a newlywed. Joshua was right all those months ago, I am NEVER bored with my wife. She's creative in and out of the bedroom. No floor, wall or chair is safe in our home, and the reason why we never invite people over and prefer going to their home or meet in town. I can never say No to her, I just look at my purity ring around her neck and I'm lost into her all over again.



"Is everything in place?" I ask Hattie and search her face for any deceiving thoughts.

"Yes, but I've tried inviting her to go to the tunnels and you've invited her too, no luck." Hattie wrings her hands, "tomorrow is Winter Solstice, what are we going to do, she's even quit wearing the Ancient ring."

"Don't worry, everything is as it should be. Soon, Joven and I will be honeymooning in Niagara Falls." I gleefully clap my hands, "are you sure no one else has seen the forgotten tablet?"

"No, I check on it often and by monitor since Fall started, and it remains covered." She wants to add something, but stops short, probably just more concerns over our plan. She's so easily manipulated and the girl I got to lure Pann to her husband's downfall, is even easier to manipulate. I had thought we could argue an annulment, but my dad couldn't convince the majority of the City Council to override Joven's defense and the testimonies of our good Dr. Woolsly, Michael, Joven's parents and Heif managed to keep Joven in office and married to that girl, Phlam.

"Okay, Phlam, doesn't know what's fixing to happen, and I've already snuck into the doctor's office and there are no records of pregnancy tests, so I think we are in the clear," I smile evilly. Being a loner and spending so much time in the tunnels, knowing in my heart the things I read, mean Joven and I are destined to be together.

"Umm... You mean Pann, right?" ugh! I don't even correct her, and after Winter Solstice I'll never have to hear that name again.



Closing up my art shop till after the holidays, I lock the doors and start humming a Christmas song on my trek home. Nestled under the treat home are the gifts Joven and I have chosen for each other, and for the first time since my parents died, I'm really looking forward to Christmas morning and then lunch with my family.

"Hey, Pann, do you have a minute?" I see Jean heading towards me. She's become quite a regular visitor to my store and helps with the little ones during their art classes.

"Sure, what's up? You can keep me company while I walk home, since I know you live in Cara also." We turn and start our walk catching up on new paint techniques and symbols in local artistry left by our Ancients.

"So, I was wondering if you would go with me? You know, to see the markings in the Forbidden Cave, if you don't mind? I think it may inspire me in my art that I recently started, depicting early life in Dewstone, back before the Ancients colonized," oh my, not good Pann.

"Well, Jean, you know those are forbidden right?" I say hoping she will change her mind.

"Yes, that's why I thought you could go with me, you know, you being the responsible adult and all," she shrugs her shoulders.

"And you really think this will inspire you and then we can display your art for the whole town to see?" Maybe if we just go a few feet in, it would be okay.

"YES! Thank you Pann!" She gives me a hug, oh to be seventeen again with all that energy. "Oh, and one more favor, could you bring your original wedding ring? The one Joven gave you at Summer Solstice, it's also a part of our history and I'd love to charcoal sketch it."

I do love a chance to show off my beautiful ring, and I'm off work tomorrow anyway. Joven has to go in for a couple hours of work, so he won't know if I wear it for a little while. Besides, he said I could wear it any time I want, but return it when I'm done. I don't dare mention the word "tunnel" or "cave" to Joven again, yikes!

"Sure, I'll meet you here around 10am, and yes, I'll be wearing my ring, thanks for asking to see it. Most kids your age don't care about our Dewstone History, so good for you!"

Saying good-bye to Jean, I keep walking to my house, and my brain switches to dinner plans and then elixir hot water husband plans; that makes me walk a little faster. Giving myself a little extra hip swing, at the thought of finally seeing the Forbidden Cave.

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