Chapter 9

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What a beautiful Wedding Misting Ceremony last night, already I feel rejuvenated and 50 years old again. The height at which the Mist reached and then exploded, has never been seen in this generation. Long ago memories of stories from my mother's generation about tales over Visions that came to pass, and the mystical movement of the Mist. It feels like a shift is taking place, now we just have to learn if it's a good shift or a bad one?

The City Council leaders from the four Vicinages have already approached Joven, and on his wedding day; that's unfortunate. All official city businesses are closed for the week, unless someone chooses to remain open. Thank goodness, or I wouldn't have my hot latte, from Perk You UP, in my hand. Making my way to City Hall, I decide to do a little digging on my own. It should be deserted and I want to be unencumbered to have to talk to anyone.

"Hey Susan," comes a voice from my left, as I enter the Hall of the Ancients, located in the back of City Hall.

"Well, hello, Hattie, right?" I ask, and realize my private investigation will not be happening right away, unless I can shake Hattie. She's a known gossip, but harmless.

"Yes, that's right. How are you today? Can I help you with something?" she asks, now coming to stand in front of me.

"Oh no, dear, I just wanted to stroll through the Ancient Halls, it's just something relaxing to do during our week of rejuvenation," I say. I try to side step around her, but she moves quickly to stay between me and the tablets of old.

"I'm sorry Susan, but the Ancient Halls require a visitation reservation. You understand right?" She smiles, but it resembles the toothy grin of a crocodile.

"OH, that's right, it must have slipped this old brain of mine," I try and pass off every excuse on my old age, and it usually works. People are prone to assisting the elderly, but Hattie remains persistent in denying me entry. She, unfortunately, didn't seem to get that inner-office memo about aiding the mature generation.

"How about an appointment for next week?"

"I'm sorry, Susan, we are full up," Hattie says, but I feel like that's not the truth, how odd.

Maybe not today, but I will be back, to try again. Hattie can't stay here all day every day. People have to sleep sometime, even crocodiles.



Walking from my house to the Perk You UP coffee shop in downtown, I'm in unchartered waters. With Joven a married Dewbie now, I'm like the Lone Ranger, with no side-kick or Batman without Robin, or Abbott without Costello. Opening the door, I'm greeted by Hannah, the shop owner. A woman in her early 50's, and recently widowed expectedly.

"Hey, Hannah, I'm surprised and very happy you're open today," I say as I walk over to take a seat. Her shop is a converted house that is set up like a tea house. Round tables and tea sets are already on the table, and fingertip sandwiches arrive without having to request them.

"Staying at home would have just been depressing and now that Bethany is married, I would just be home alone." She pours hot water into the tea pot, while I select a flavor, mint as always.

"Oh, that's right, I'm sorry again for your loss. Bethany looked beautiful yesterday and now a married woman. I can still remember her running around here and entertaining everyone with her dance performances. What is she doing these days?" I ask, and sip my hot mint tea, and add a squeeze of lemon with a teaspoon of honey.

"I do miss those days, she's teaching gym over at the school in Dewstone," her eyes grow misty, and I really don't want her to cry. So, it's time to change subjects, and quickly. My "man card" does not give me special powers to handling a woman watering from her eyelids. "Glad to hear Bethany has put all that energy to good use," I add, then think of something else to say before a single tear can touch her cheek. "Have you seen a lot of people today?"

"Just the usual group, most wanting tea and a good conversation," Success! Subject changed, pause and silent applause to me. Imaginary bow, thank you, thank you!

"I guess I'm no different. Joven is with his new bride and I'm kind of left to wander around alone," I say, while eating one of the cucumber fingertip sandwiches. I'm feeling a little greedy as it will take several fingertip sized sandwiches to equal one sandwich.

"I hear they are having dominos for the old folks at the gym, maybe you should join them," she laughs, with a twinkle in her eye.

"I'm not quite there, but thanks. Maybe I'll see if any of my friends are at the Hot Springs or find Karmony," I add, thinking out loud.

"Well," she starts and then stops as if deciding if she should say anything, "I saw Karmony with Hattie about an hour ago, heading towards the Ancient Tunnels."

Ancient Tunnels? Why would they go there? At least it's not the Forbidden Tunnels, that would surely raise some concern. The girls are probably just looking for a place to chit chat. What they need is a handsome man to liven up their day; now, where to find one? What luck, I'm one!

"Thanks, Hannah, for the tea and sandwiches. Have a great day and try not to do all the work around here," I say as I stand to leave. Grabbing my dishes and placing them in the back-sink area. Everyone taking care of their dishes, makes things much easier and it helps things run smoothly.

"Bye, Heif, stay out of trouble. Which is quite possible, since Joven isn't around to push you into something mischievous." I kiss her cheek and head out the door.

I really don't want to think of how "lucky" Joven got last night, as I rub my ring hanging from my neck and dangling in front of my chest. It's a constant reminder, that I'll never get a chance to give this thing away, like Joven did, if I don't find the right girl— I feel an urge to see the Ancient Tunnels.

Unfortunately, the caves were empty, so my ring and I must move on to better hunting grounds.


Author's note: The plot thickens... mysteries arise... but, will the newlywed couple ever figure out married life? Hope you are you enjoying Book 2 in this Dewstone Trilogy.

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