Chapter 24

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Old married lady of one week, looking at my sleeping husband, it's not so bad. In the past week, we have managed to disagree, have a huge misunderstanding, I accused him of awful things unfairly, and then made-up in spectacular fashion. Looking around at our bedroom, I'm thinking where I should hang my V-card certificate; because that thing is totally useless now.

"What are you thinking wife?" Joven asks me, while keeping me securely in his arms.

"I'm thinking you plan to starve me, and then I'll lose my full curves," I wiggle back deeper into his embrace.

"We can't have that," he gets out of bed, stretches in all his glory and continues; "come on wife, let's go feed you and greet everyone. Our week is up and we have unfinished business in UpAbove," and heads to the bathroom.

Unfinished business? Did he forget something last week when he kidnapped me? Does he have other nefarious plans? I hope they include that bathtub, because I want to do that over and over and over again.

"Come on Wife, breakfast at Perk You Up and then to UpAbove after 12noon." And poof he's gone, hopefully to make me some coffee.

It takes little time for me to dress, still having such a limited wardrobe. Walking hand and hand we exit the tunnel and turn right to Hannah's restaurant.

"Well, there's the prettiest newlywed couple," Hannah greets us. "But don't tell Bethany I said so."

"Hi Hannah," and I give her a hug, and Joven and I take a seat and begin eating our finger sandwiches. "I'm so sorry I fainted last night and then ran out on you. Were you able to get everything you needed from the library?"

"Oh well," she looks at Joven. "Yes, my mission was complete and everything is wonderful."

Looking over at Joven, he is just smiling at Hannah as he puts his arm around my chair. Well, whatever secret signal that was, I could care less and lay my head on his shoulder and receive a kiss from my husband on my forehead.

We finish our breakfast, but still have an hour to pass before it's noon and the passageways are cleared for departing Dewbies.

"We have some time to pass husband, do you mind if we swing by "Crafty Collections? I will need to look at their inventory to see if I need to bring anything back from UpAbove."

"No, that's fine, while you are there, I'm going to pop by the office and just check-in if you don't mind?" Joven asks, not letting me too far from his side.

We part ways and I go over the small side bridge and enter the towns hobby store, "Crafty Collections". For such a small store, it's packed with a variety of crafting supplies. Inhaling the toxic smells, of paints, glue, and scented cones it feels like home. Probably how a nurse would feel smelling a hospital or a teacher in a classroom on the first day of school. Wandering from aisle to aisle, letting my mind wander and just take in the whole experience.

"Hi! Did you need help finding anything?" A smiling teenager is suddenly standing before me.

"No," I smile answering her, "just enjoying the store, it's very nice."

"Thank you, my name is Jean and I work here after school sometimes. You are Pann, Joven's new wife; right?"

"Yes, guilty as charged," and we shake hands. "Well Jean, if I need anything, I'll let you know. Do you enjoy art?"

"Art is my LIFE!" Spoken like a true teenager. "My parents are hoping I'll go into nursing or accounting after high school, but art is in my soul. I don't have a lot of friends, so working here is my social obligation and it feeds my secret passion,", and she thumps her chest.

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