Chapter 25

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"You've had all week Joven, now we need to address this wedding infraction of yours," says Charles our oldest city council member.

"Charles is right," adds Henry. "There are serious repercussions for what happened. Our laws are written for a reason. The rumors have already started that you're not really married!"

"Not married, did you see the Mist explode on our wedding night? There hasn't been a recorded event like that in decades." I argue back.

"No one is denying the Mist blessed you that day, with an unworldly display. But have you forgotten the laws written on the tablets at City Hall? Let's all go over there now, and put this thing to rest," adds Grace.

I left Pann at the Hobby Store, and its past time to return to her. I had planned just a quick trip to the office, but when Susan wasn't there, I had been cornered by the entire city council. Yes, I broke a few laws, but we are most assuredly married, and it's been consummated. Many, many times. Which, of course, brings a smile to me my face.

"Joven, this is not a time to smile!" Peggy admonishes me. "We've given you the week you requested for your honeymoon, but now there is business to attend to."

"Well, I didn't get a full week," I muttered quietly.

"Why not??" they chorused.

"You know what, that doesn't matter. It's Friday and I need to get Pann's stuff from her apartment and things settled. I'll meet you all here at 10am Monday to discuss this, agreed?" They all nod yes, and I hurry back to Pann, but get stopped by Karmony outside of the craft store. I really can't catch a break, surely King Author never had these issues.

"Joven, I'm so glad I bumped into you. Heif came over and told me what happened, I'm so sorry. Glann must have heard me wrong, I'd never want to do anything to hurt your marriage," she says the right words, but I find no sincerity in her voice.

"It's fine Karmony, now I need to go in the store and get my wife, have a good day." I move past her, but she's suddenly throwing her arms around me and saying to call her if I ever need her?? What the crap? Yep, that cuss word just slipped right out.

Looking up and seeing Pann's eyes, with Karmony's arms around my neck, made me want to vomit. I never raised my arms to touch Karmony, instantly pulling away and rushed to Pann's side.

I expected some screaming or accusations, but nope. I'll explain things later to Pann, I just want to get her alone and into UpAbove. Arriving at Central Control, things just got worse, with Stan and Hank reminding me and my wife, how I tricked her into marrying me. I'm still looking for a hidden video camera and people to pop out and say "you're on Candid Camera," a show my grandparents greatly enjoyed.

Thankfully, the rest of our day went wonderful and even got a "show" with Pann aggravating her ex-neighbor. We make it back and I was thinking we could hit the pond, that is until my wife whispered something to me, that I've only ever read about in books. HOME! That's the only thought I had, and there we stayed all weekend.



Joven and I start a nice daily routine, he goes to work at the City Business Park. We meet at home for lunch, and most times we actually get to eat before returning to work. Some days, he looks a little stressed, but he says everything is fine. Not wanting anymore confrontations, I just back off and wait for him to trust me and tell me his concerns.

I've started renting the vacant shop next to Dr. Woolsly's office, and have begun giving art classes. Decorating the walls with my students' work, it's a splash of color that makes my days brighter. Plus, Dewstone has Wi-Fi, so I'm still able to do my true passion of anime' art, all the while still refusing to tell my husband my art pseudonym. He enjoys guessing like he's Rumpelstiltskin, but there's no room of straw being spun into gold, just an art studio.

Weekends we chill in UpAbove or over at Heif's house. Once a week, we have dinner with Joven's parents, and at least twice a week we are soaking in the pond. Everywhere I turn I'm making new friends. Life is wonderful, it's like when you break open an egg and it's a double yolker! Life flows in the Mist, and everything is just an extra blessing.

Before long it's our 2-month anniversary, and I'm shutting down the art studio early to go home, cook something special and celebrate.

"Hey! We haven't seen much of you lately." I turn and I'm facing both Karmony and Hattie. Still not sure if she led me astray on purpose, I remain very cautious around her.

"Oh, just been busy, with my art studio, "Light Up My Life," and I point to the sign over the door, that I painted," and I help at Hannah's place and you know, just the normal newlywed stuff."

"I just realized you never got to see the tablets at City Hall, and maybe a look inside the Forbidden Cave." Karmony smiles, and she seems sincere, maybe I can trust her?

"Sure, how about next Tuesday?" we agree on a time and meeting place and I start hurrying to get home and fix something special for my husband. I'll need to tell him about my plans, but not tonight.

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