Chapter 12

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Soaking in the hot water, the mystic elixir does indeed invigorate. Even without the elixir, I could take a romance book and soak for hours in a hot tub. Relaxing, though, I can let my mind begin to wander. Thinking back on the day, it seems obvious that Joven must be attracted to me. He was constantly touching me or kissing my forehead. He has me stoked like a dry, brittle, forest floor, it just needs a match; POOF! Maybe, he's ready for me, and I should try again. Not just wanting, but needing that bond between us.

Watching him sleep in the living room, he looks adorable. I can't resist moving some blonde curly hair off of his forehead. He doesn't even move, so I try a gentle nudge. He eyes shoot open and he looks at me, from head to toe, and GROWLS! Are you kidding me? A growl? How bad do I look?

How disgusting can I be? Ugh!

He covers his eyes and rolls away from me!

I'm out of here, while Mr. Fake husband has his forearm over his eyes.

I'm out the door before I realize I don't have a plan. Where to go? Anywhere is better than here in Cara. I've met a lot of people and have figured out the layout of the vicinages. Deciding a walk would clear my mind, and erase thoughts of spousal abuse temptations, I arrive in the main cavern area, or as they call it; "Downtown Dewstone."

Entering a small shop called, "Perk You Up", I'm greeted by a smiling middle-age woman. I know I've met her before, but I've got a lot of names running around my brain. When they have this full week, after Summer Solstice, people should have to wear nametags. Then, just like at a business meeting, I could attempt to remember new names. My usual way to remember someone is by description, so I'm going to call this lady, "Middle Age Coffee" or "MAC" for short.

"Welcome to Perk You Up, would you like some tea?" MAC smiles at me and points to an open table by the front doors.

"Yes, please, anything that calms people down, without putting them to sleep," I add trying to laugh off my very bad mood.

"Here you go, Chamomile, proven to relieve stress and may even put you to sleep," she adds smiling. "I use this blend a lot."

I sit down to drink my hot tea, and feel right at home. It's like someone looked up in the dictionary for quaint English tearoom and POOF! Here it is. Thinking back to storming out of the house on Joven, my behavior was not the best. I must have looked perplexed or confused, because MAC sits down and starts talking like we were the best of friends.

"You probably don't remember my name, it's Hannah. I know you must've met hundreds of people in the last twenty-four hours. You know," she pauses and leans forward to whisper, "I've raised my daughter and I've got a good shoulder should you need one. Bethany, that's my daughter, was married last night, too. She married a fellow Dewbie, Colton, so things were much smoother for them... you must be feeling a bit lost," she waits and gives me time to sort out exactly what I want to say.

"Yes, actually, I'm very confused," letting out a long breath. "You say I can have your shoulder, but I may be snotting all over it by the time I'm through," I start to sniffle. "My parents are deceased, I've only made one friend so far, Karmony, but I don't know how to get a hold of her. I'm married, but not sure WHO I've married, and please don't hate me, but not really sure WHY he married me," and the tears start. I'm very thankful the place is mostly empty, as MAC or Hannah, moves closer to put an arm around me. Defeated, I slump into her, and just let the embarrassing tears fall. Peace, I feel peace sweep through my body and relax into her warm hug.

"There, there, Pann, just let those tears fall," she continues softly rubbing my back. "There are a lot of emotions in getting married. Just two nights ago, I was a human tissue for Bethany. The stress of getting married and of course the wedding night can be overwhelming. I don't want to embarrass you, but everything happens for a reason. You're bonded to Joven till now and even beyond. He's a great guy, but he's still a man, and often says or does the wrong things. Try talking to him, explain yourself and be open to hear his side of things, too."

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