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*jens pov*

I'm leaving for France next week, and I'm currently packing. I'm trying to hold in tears because ever since that night with Leah, I've started to feel a sense of regret. I know she loves me now, and I'm starting to wonder if I should even leave.

I was so excited about it at first, but now I'm scared. Things are finally okay, and I'm leaving.

So far I've packed 3 bags, and I'm only bringing one more small one as my carry on. Leah told Sofia about me leaving a couple weeks ago, and she's really crushed about it.

I've babysat her a couple times after Leah told her, and she just cries everytime. I try and comfort her, but it makes me want to cry too.


It's 2 days later, and I'm over at Leah's house, babysitting again. This will be the last time I'll see Sof before I go, since she'll be at Angelo's house this weekend, and all next week.

"Will you bring me something back from France?" She asks. "Of course. I'll send you care packages if you want me to." I suggest. "You can do that all the way from there??" She asks and I smile.

"Yeah! I'll send you a whole bunch of French candies every once in a while. And I'll write you a little note too." I say. "Really?" She asks. "I promise. It'll be like you're there with me." I say and she smiles.

Both of us end up falling asleep on the couch since it's pretty late. But I wake up once Leah walks through the door. "Hey." She says quietly so she doesn't wake Sofia. "Hi." I say tiredly.

"Everything okay?" She asks and sets her stuff down. "Yeah. She didn't cry this time." I say and she giggles. "That's surprising." She says and I smile.

Sofia moves a little and wakes up. "Hi baby." Leah says and comes over, giving Sofia a kiss.

"You tired?" Leah asks and Sofia nods. "Alright, let's get you in bed." Leah says. "I want Jennifer to tuck me in." Sofia says and I look at Leah and smile.

"Ok." Leah smiles. I pick up Sofia and take her upstairs to her room. She gets in bed and I sit beside her as she gets under the covers. "Don't forget about me." She say, looking in my eyes. That broke my heart.

"How could I ever forget about you??" I tilt my head. "I'll be back before you know it, and I'll come straight here. I won't even go to my apartment first." I tell her. "Ok. Even if it's really late?" She asks. "I'll still come." I nod and she smiles.

"Goodnight babe." I say and kiss her head. "Love you." She says softly. "I love you too." I smile and stand up. I walk over to her door and turn off the lights. I glance at her one last time before I walk out, then I shut the door.

I lean against the door and look up, trying to hold in my tears. I knew it would be hard leaving Leah, but Sofia is a whole other story. I really love that little girl.

I walk downstairs and get my stuff together. "Here." Leah says and comes out of the kitchen. She hands out money to me for babysitting, but I just look at her. "You don't have to Leah." I say since I'm not even doing this for money anymore. "I'm just paying you for your job." She shrugs and I smile, taking it.

"You going home?" She asks and I nod. "Are you all packed up for next week?" She asks. "Yep." I say. "Let me drive you to the airport." She suggests. "Would you?" I ask since I'd love that. "Of course." She nods. "Okay." I say.

"I'll see you on Wednesday." I tell her since that's when my flight is. She nods and gives me a light kiss. "Bye baby." She says. "Bye." I say and walk out the front door.

On the way home, I just cry and cry. This is really hard. I don't know why everything is hitting me right now. This just really sucks. I can't believe I'm leaving them for a year.


It's Tuesday, and I'm surprisingly at my mom's house again. She wanted to see me before I fly out tomorrow.

"Jennifer, I'm so proud of you." She says and puts her hand on my face. "It's nice to hear that." I smile since I haven't heard that in a while.

"I want you to have fun when you leave. Focus on your schoolwork, but also enjoy every bit of your adventure." She tells me. "Take advantage of it." She says and I nod. "I will." I say.

"Please send me pictures, letters, postcards or somethin." She says and I giggle. "I willll." I tilt my head and she smiles. "I should probably head out now. Sage wanted me to stop by." I say and stand up.

"Alright baby." She stands up too. "I love you. Be safe tomorrow." She says and gives me a big hug. "Love you too." I hug her back. I hear her sniff, and I look at her, just to see her crying. "Oh my god- I'm leaving." I say since i don't wanna cry.

My mom kisses my cheek and gives me a smile. "Get out of here." She says and I giggle. I walk to the front door and leave, without turning back, because I know I'd cry if I did.

I stopped by Sage's house, and she was just a crying mess before I even got there.

We talked for a while and of course she ended up making me cry. She's my best friend, and I'll miss her too. But I promised I'll facetime her every week since we basically already do that.

I get home that night, and look around my apartment. I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm terrified. This could be the best experience ever, or the worst.

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