Chapter 46

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  The Vengeance approached Earth the same way that the Revenge had, coming in behind the Moon to shield them from Earths detection.

  "How long until the next cruiser joins us?" Krystal asked Shree.

  "In one week, Captain." Shree answered "Coming in cloaked and rendezvousing behind the Moon, as ordered."

  "Excellent," Krystal said "if all goes as planned we'll be leaving in two weeks as scheduled."

  At this point Cory walked onto the bridge to ask Krystal to contact his parents and alert them of their arrival.

  "It wouldn't be fair to them to just show up unannounced." Cory said "Besides, if we're bringing the squad, they'll need a little time to get ready."

  "You're right." Krystal said, to Shree she said "Contact the Lansings and let me know when you've reached them."

  "Yes, Captain." Shree acknowledged.

  As they waited for Shree to acknowledge that Corys parents were on the line they got some coffee. In a couple of minutes Shree told them she had the Lansings on the line.

  "Hi, Mom," Cory greeted them "Dad, we're going to be there in a few hours. We're bringing the gang with. Is that OK with you?"

  "Cory!" Sally exclaimed "We didn't expect you back so soon. Are you in trouble?"

  "No, no trouble." Cory said "But I need to talk to Dad privately so we're coming over."

  "That's fine." Sally said "We'll be waiting at your field in two hours. Is that enough time for you."

  "That's perfect." Cory replied "We'll see you then."

  Krystal signaled Shree to stop the transmission. As soon as the call was finished she alerted the squad to meet in the hanger in ninety minutes. Krystal and Cory then left the bridge to get into Earth style clothing for the flight.

  An hour and a half later the squad met at the shuttle for the trip to Corys home. Hawk and Rufe were dressed in casual clothes while Surni choose something from her homeworld that resembled an Asian dress with slits to the waist and leggings with knee high boots. All in a subdued blue, the outfit was alluring on her. Shoure, Iggy and Chuff wore their Fleet uniforms.

  "Alright, we seem to be ready," Krystal observed "so let's get moving."

  The squad boarded the shuttle and left the cruiser. As soon as they cleared the ship the cloak was engaged and the shuttle effectively disappeared. The trip down only took fifteen minutes before they landed in the field were Brad and Sally waited with the vans. The squad was surprised to see the ground covered in snow. Only Cory wasn't surprised, which is why he brought cold weather gear for everyone. As the group left the shuttle a cold wind greeted them.

  "Hi Mom, Dad." Cory said as he hugged his parents.

  "Are you OK?" his Mom asked "You don't look well."

  "I'm fine, Mom." Cory answered "Just haven't slept well recently."

  "Well, enough talk," Brad said "We'll discuss it at home where it's warm. Shoure and Iggy look very uncomfortable."

  "True," Iggy said "Our world is much warmer than this."

  The group got into the vans where the heaters were running, keeping everyone warm while driving back to the house.

  When they had gone inside, Sally went to the kitchen followed closely by Shoure who had brought some foods from his home. The rest of the group went into the family room to discuss the mission they were on.

  "So what's the mission parameters?" Brad asked, starting the discussion.

  "We need military trained fighters," Krystal answered "however, we don't want any active personnel. If we fail, your world will need everyone to fight these vermin."

  "I take it you don't want any government involved." Brad said "That's going to be tough to pull off. Once the request is put out every government on Earth will send operatives, most covert."

  "Cory said the same thing." Krystal returned "It's disappointing to witness such greed in government."

  "For some it's not greed, but power." Brad stated "The desire to be able to control others fates."

  "That's even worse!" Krystal exclaimed "How do the people allow this? Why would they?"

  "Mostly apathy,"  was the reply "They're so busy trying to survive themselves, they don't care about anything else."

  "So what can we do to find the  kind of people we want?" Cory interjected "All I can think of are mercenaries, and those people are dangerous."

  "But loyal as long as they're paid regularly." Brad responded "They would be your best bet."

  "I suppose." Cory said "but is it worth the possible threat they could pose otherwise."

  "We can split them into different squads." Krystal returned.

  "That won't happen." Brad stated "They fight as a single unit, they know the others in their unit have their back, they've fought together before. They trust each other."

  "They will learn to trust us," Hawk stated firmly "or die if they don't. We know this enemy, they don't."

  "They're still your best bet." Brad said "Their skills are usually topnotch if you find those with good leaders. They demand the best from their men and you do get what you're willing to pay for. The best aren't cheap either so I hope you intend to pay well."

  "We'll do what we have to." Cory said.

  That simple statement ended the conversation.
  "Son," Brad said "I want to talk privately with you and Krystal."
  "Alright," Cory replied "but the squad already knows why we're here."
  "Your Mother doesn't." Brad countered "I don't want to alarm her either."
  "About..." Cory prompted.
  "Just how real is this threat to Earth?" Brad asked "Should I worry they'll reach here?"
  "They could." Krystal stated "If we can't stop them now, it's possible."
  Her bluntness caused Brad to frown. He couldn't fathom the idea of aliens overrunning his home, destroying everything he cared about. That thought angered him greatly.

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