Chapter 39

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  Chuff piloted the transport into the hanger of the massive vessel and put it down with a hiss of hydraulics as the weight of the shuttle settled. Opening the boarding ramp the pair cautiously made their way out, carrying a food dispenser between them. At the foot of the ramp they were met by the Sha'agran Gwersa had talked to.

  "This is a food dispenser," Gwersa said in way of greeting "there are three more inside. I'm Gwersa and this is my son, Chuff."

  "I am Caguan." Caguan introduced himself "Thank you for these dispensers, we have very few that work any more."
  Both Gwersa and Chuff saw that Caguan was malnourished, his fur dull. Small bald patches could be seen when the light struck from different angles. When Gwersa looked at Chuff she saw him react subtly.
  "If he's one of the healthy,  the sick are going to be..." Chuff whispered to his mother.
  "I know." She answered just as quietly "We have to convince them to join us! For their sakes."

  "We have a cargo ship with many more loaded already." Gwersa turned to Caguan "I've been asked to invite you to join our fleet. We need all the help we can get and from the condition of your ship, you could use our help getting it back into fighting shape."

  "We're still not sure we can trust you." Caguan stated "Our fight has been long and hard. The vermin don't die easily and have pulled tricks like this before. We have lost many fine warriors due to their deceptions."

  "The Commander thought this might happen," she replied "Would you care to talk to him yourself?"

  "How?" Caguan asked "Would he come to us?"

  "If you like, yes." Gwersa said "Do you want to meet him? He would bring the rest of the dispensers with him."

  "Alone?" Caguan inquired.

  "One other," she replied "a copilot, one of Chuff's squad mates."

  "I don't know." Caguan said, pensively "It's a big gamble, this could be a trick to bring Ruchkitay aboard and slaughter us."

  "Let's go to the bridge," Gwersa suggested "you can see and talk to both the Commander and his copilot before they come."

  Caguan agreed and led the two to the bridge. Along the way, Gwersa and Chuff observed many Sha'agrans who looked barely alive. Many were ill, all were undernourished. The sight set their determination to exterminate the Ruchkitay even more. She could hear Chuff's growls of anger as they walked.

  "I swear to you," Chuff whispered to her "the Ruchki's time is at an end. Even if it kills me, I will take many with me into the afterlife. I swear it."

  Reaching the bridge, the group went to the communications station and Gwersa hailed the Revenge.

  "The Commander is on his way," Shree returned "He will be here shortly."

  "We'll be waiting." Gwersa said.

  While they waited Caguan asked where on Sha'agra they had lived. Gwersa told him the name of her town and found out that he had lived in that same city. With that information it seemed that Caguan relaxed a bit as though being from the same place made her more trustworthy.

  Just then T'ilvesh replied back, having been busy getting the cargo shuttle ready to launch.

  "What news do you have for us," the Commander asked "something good I hope."

  "The leaders on this ship would like to talk to you." Gwersa answered "In person."

  "I'll be there in fifteen minutes." T'ilvesh assured her "I'm bringing Cory with, if that's alright with them."

  "That's fine," Gwersa said "we'll be waiting on the bridge."

  "I'll be there soon." T'ilvesh replied back.


  T'ilvesh and Cory arrived quickly, just ten minutes after signing off, they were shown onto the bridge of the Sha'agran craft. Like Gwersa and Chuff, the sight of those on board angered and sickened both of them as they made their way through the ship. By the time they reached the bridge T'ilvesh had determined to bring healers over as soon as possible.

  "Caguan, this is the Commander," Gwersa introduced them "And this is Cory, Chuffs squad leader."

  "Cinotaen?" Caguan asked.

  "No, he's a human." Chuff interjected "From a planet far outside of threatened space. It's the weapons of his world that kill these vermin with ease."

  Nodding his understanding, Caguan bowed to both newcomers. Bowing in return, T'ilvesh and Cory greeted those on the bridge.

  "We would be honored if you would join us in our efforts to rid the Universe of the Ruchkitay."  T'ilvesh started "We need all the help we can get and the addition of your people would greatly increase our chances of success."

  "You are kind," Caguan replied "but as you've seen, we are not in any shape for battle. We have many sickened by our efforts to survive with little food and a lack of healers."

  "We can help you, if you would permit me to bring our healers here" T'ilvesh offered.

  "You would do that for us?" Caguan asked.

  "Whether you join us or not," T'ilvesh answered.

  "Let me confer with my people," Caguan replied "I can have an answer in a day. Is that acceptable?"

  "Yes," the Commander replied "but will you allow our healers aboard now to help your sick?"


  "Very well," T'ilvesh stated "let me contact the fleet and the healers will come immediately."

  Caguan showed him to the communications station where the Commander issued orders for the healers to report to the Sha'agran craft. Within minutes of the order shuttles began arriving with medical personnel and dispensers. Leading the way by being first on board, Surni gave assignments to the next group of healers to arrive.

  Seeing that she had everything under control, T'ilvesh and Cory returned to the Revenge to await Caguans answer.

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