Chapter 24

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  Back on board the Revenge T'ilvesh signed all promotions resulting from making Slei an Admiral.

  Watching the massive armada of ships split into many separate fleets was gratifying. Knowing that retribution was starting in earnest gave him a thrill he couldn't suppress. Turning away from the screen he walked out of the bridge to his quarters for some much needed rest.

   As he trod down the passageway he heard Cory talking with the rest of the squad, heading into the mess he saw the group around a table having dinner and drinks. He approached the table when the bridge hailed him back. Sighing deeply he turned around and headed back.

  Seeing T'ilvesh turn with regret Cory gathered the squad and brought them to the ready room with a plate made for the Commander, feeling they might be needed. Before walking in Cory used the ships intercom and ordered the squads fighters readied, just in case.

  When he walked in Krystal and T'ilvesh were being escorted into the ready room by Hawk and Rufin.

   Surni had food set out for both making them sit and eat.

  "Neither of you has eaten today, as your Healer,  I am ordering you both to eat." Surni demanded as she pointed at the table "We aren't leaving until you do."

  When the two were seated Hawk and Rufe stood behind the Commander while Cory stood behind Krystal and Surni sat across from them.

  "The fleet is ready to deploy." T'ilvesh stated "I need to be here."

  "You are. You're just going to eat before you do anything else." Surni retorted "You're not going to miss it. They'll wait half an hour for you."

   Krystal, knowing Surni was right, was already eating. T'ilvesh picked up a fork full and stuffed it in his mouth. Chewing and swallowing the first bite silenced his objections as he started eating in earnest, quickly clearing half the plate before slowing down to enjoy it.

  "Thank you, Surn," T'ilvesh said "I was hungrier than I thought."

  "Don't thank me." she replied "It was Corys' idea. He saw you when you were called back."

  "Thanks Cory," the Commander said.

  "Hey, some one has to watch out for you." Cory responded "Besides, Krystal needed to eat, too."

  After eating, Everyone went out to the bridge to watch the launch of the warriors fleets and prepare to jump to Krystals galaxy the next day.

  Fleet after fleet, the armada split up each regions personnel joined as one. As the they jumped, all cheered knowing the fight was now starting in full force.

  "Set course for Cinotae." T'ilvesh ordered the navigator "We're going to free your home next, Krys. I hope you're ready."

  "Yes I am!" Krystal said, smiling from ear to ear.

  "We jump in 10 hours," T'ilvesh said  "Everybody go get some sleep."                                                     

  The squad broke up to return to their cabins for rest. The Commander, however went into the ready room and sat down to finalize the plan for retaking Krystals home. After fifteen minutes he fell asleep at his desk.

  Krystal was so excited she couldn't sleep right away so Cory sat with her discussing her home. He learned she had two sisters and a brother. She had watched a sister and her brother get eaten by the Ruchkitay that had invaded her world. She didn't know about her older sister or her parents. She hoped they still lived, this is what drove her to excel at fighting. When she lay down next to him Cory held her close, whispering encouraging words until she finally slept.


  The morning brought a flurry of activity throughout the fleet heading to Krystals galaxy.

  In the mess hall the squad gathered for breakfast.

  "The jump is in one hour." Cory stated "Krys is so tense it's really messing with her. She's scared of what we'll find when we get there."

  "How so?"  Surni asked, curious "What's bothering her?"

  "She's afraid she'll find out no one else in her family is still alive." Cory answered "I'm worried about her."

  "That's natural," Surni responded "not knowing is stressful. Just be there for her."

  "Always." Cory declared.

  After eating they went to the bridge for the jump to Krystals galaxy. As they watched the Revenge turned her nose in the proper direction for the jump. The time arrived quickly, as the countdown reached zero the warp appeared in front of them and the order given to insert the Revenge into it. Seconds later a medium sized spiral galaxy appeared in front of them.

  "All hands prepare for galactic boundary penetration." Shree announced over the ships intercom.

  The jump through the barrier went smoothly enough to please the Commander.

  "One week until planetary orbit." T'ilvesh said "All hands prepare for combat." To Krystal he said "Take command of the strike force and start briefing troops in two days."

  "Yes, Sir!" she replied, saluting.

  As the squad left the bridge for the training bay Cory walked beside Krystal, his arm across her shoulders, hugging her. She smiled at him then walked off to prepare her notes for the briefing.

  "Don't try to do it all by yourself." Cory admonished her "We'll help any way we can."

  The others agreed with him wholeheartedly chiming in to help her.

  "That would be great!" Krystal said "I'll take all the help I can get."

  Krystal then split the group into pairs with Cory and Hawk putting together maps of Cinotae, showing where the survivors could most likely be found. Going through the archives of previous scans and hardcopy maps they put together a concise picture of Cinotae and the most likely hiding places. Surni and Shoure put together a medical profile of Cinotae anatomy and illnesses that would probably be found when they were on the ground. Rufin and Chuff put tactical plans together for both a swarming scenario and a non-swarming plan of attack. In one day they were ready to brief the warriors of their fleet.

They spent the next four days briefing troops in anticipation of their arrival at Cinotae.

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