Chapter 14

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A/N: Shoure - (SHOW ray) Being of reptilian decent, food lover, ground warrior

As The Retaliator came into view Corys eyes widened at the sheer size of the monstrous vessel. It was the size of a city, a real metropolis. some of the skyscrapers on Earth would fit upright with room to spare. It also spread out for miles. From Corys estimate about ten across by forty long, at its peak about five high. The ship was impressive.

"My God!" He exclaimed "Here I thought the cruiser was huge but this is unbelievably big."

"It's the flagship of the fleet." T'ilvesh stated "It requires two hundred thousand crew members per shift. It also has warriors and their families."

Cory just shook his head. It had to hold three million people. Comfortably.

The shuttle slid into the small hanger and settled down without a bump. The three left the shuttle to be greeted by the ships Captain, an old friend of T'ilvesh. A vehicle waited to bring them to the conference room. The ride took almost twenty minutes for them to reach the conference area. Cory was amazed at the width of the passageway. There were walk lanes as well as room for two lanes for the vehicles that whizzed by going the opposite direction. It was necessary, he supposed, with the population of this ship. The vehicle they were in came to a stop while Cory was lost in thought.

As it turned out the room was a theater. Cory wasn't surprised to see it full. With the amount of ships in the fleet, it should be standing room only when everyone got there.

"I'm going to show the footage of the weapons test before introducing you to the crowd." T'ilvesh told Cory "They'll want to meet you once they learn about the weapons we are now manufacturing."

"Alright, but you need to tell them I'm not a real fighter." Cory replied "I don't want them thinking I have all the answers."

"I'll do that, but don't let that stop you from joining in on the planning." T'ilvesh stated "Your input might be valuable. It has been before."

As the planning got underway the rest of the people came in. It was SRO as Cory thought it would be.

The biggest drawback was there were so many people nobody could be heard. Everyone wanted to talk at once. So nobody could get a point across. T'ilvesh struggled to get enough quiet to speak.

"I've got blank cartridges in my pistol." Cory said to the Commander "That should get their attention."

"Do it." the Commander ordered.

Cory pulled out his pistol and aimed at the ceiling. The report echoed throughout the room as a stunned silence replaced the cacophony of chaotic voices.

All eyes turned toward T'ilvesh and the rest of his entourage.

"Thank you all for coming." He started out "I have something I want you to see."

With those words a hologram of Cory and Krystal appeared, looking at the Ruchkitay through the porthole of the prison ship.

A collective gasp went through the room when they entered the bay. As they watched, the two enemy fighters were killed.

Again the room erupted into a mass of incoherent noise as everyone talked at once.

Cory fired again and the room went silent.

"As you all know, we didn't have weapons that could harm any of the Ruchkitay, until now. Now, thanks to this young human.." T'ilvesh pointed at Cory "we do. As you saw, the weapons from his world will kill them. On the voyage here our manufacturing ship started production on the weapons and their ammunition. Plans of these have been downloaded to every ship we have, with orders to arm everyone in the fleet. Now to the purpose of this meeting, I want to discuss a plan of attack. The human, Cory is his name, trained his squad in the use of the weapons, in turn, they have trained all the warriors that went on mission with me, those warriors will train the rest of the fleet in their use. All ground and space fighters have been ordered to fit these weapons to the vehicles. Training has already started for the warriors that will be on the ground. After a meal break I want the Commanding Officers of each ship to report back here. We return in an hour and a half. Dismissed."

As the room slowly emptied, T'ilvesh told Cory to bring the squad back in with him.

"I didn't see them here." Cory said "They must have been in the back."

Cory and Krystal were taken to the dining area closest to the conference room. When they walked in Rufe and Surni waved them over. Arriving at the table they saw pizzas and pitchers on it. Sitting down they each grabbed a couple of slices and glasses. While Cory told the rest of the squad what T'ilvesh said about returning to the strategic conference with him they smiled and nodded.

The smell of the pizzas had attracted a few others. Being good hosts they offered a piece to all.

A being much like Iggy introduced himself "I am Shoure. Your food intrigues me. The aroma is enticing."

"Have a piece and see if you like it. I'm Cory." Cory said

Shoure took a piece and looked at it closely. He brought it up to his nose and inhaled deeply. Finally he took a bite. A smile appeared as the flavors mingled on his tongue.

"This is exquisite !" Shoure blurted out "What is it's origin ?"

"It's called pizza." Cory answered "It's from my world which we call Earth."

"And that's not even the best his world produces." Rufe insisted "You should try steak."

"Really? Where can I get some?" Shoure asked.

"From the dispenser, " Surni informed him "We downloaded all information gathered from our little side trip. Including all the food Cory brought with."

Leading Shoure to order for him the first time Rufe walked along the rows of tables to the dispenser.

""We're going to make a lot of friends with the food from your world." Krystal said to Cory.

He smiled back "I hope so. It's as good a way as any and better than most."

Too soon it was time to report back for the planning session. Leaving the dining area Shoure waved in thanks, a thick steak already half eaten in front of him and a look of bliss across his features. The group waved back and went into the passageway.

"It's not far, what do you say to a walk ?" Hawk finally spoke "We have enough time."

"Sounds good." Surni replied as the others nodded in agreement.

Walking back gave Cory time to think of a few questions. They may not prove useful but then again, they might.

Entering the theater once more they saw small groups of people talking about the weapons test footage. Apparently it could be accessed at any time. The success of the test had everyone excited. A way to fight had been found. Several groups were discussing the vehicle modifications in depth. Footage of his fighters weapons were displayed on several access screens. Some showed the chain guns in action, others the air to ground missile runs. All seemed satisfied with what had been seen.

Soon after T'ilvesh called the meeting to order.

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