Chapter 15

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  T'ilvesh called the meeting to order.

  "Firstly,  we need a plan to begin retaking our worlds." this received an ovation from all present. "Secondly, I want to formally introduce Cory,"  the Commander motioned Cory to stand. As Cory stood a thundering ovation once again erupted. When the applause quieted down T'ilvesh resumed "The first part has been started, the training of the warriors in the use of these weapons. By the time you get back to your ships the training will have started. It will be noisy, hearing protectors are required when learning to use these weapons. Before you leave, you too will be proficient in the use of personal weapons." He gestured to the sidearms carried by the crew of the cruiser . "Some of you will have the privilege  of being trained by Cory himself.  The others will be trained by Hawk, Rufin, Surni or Krystal since they are the best at the use of these weapons and trained by Cory during our trip back. Now, I want the most senior officers up here with me. The rest of you split into groups of ten."

  There was a rustling as the officers divided themselves as ordered. Soon there were seven groups waiting for further orders.

  "Groups 1 and 2 go with Hawk and Surni across the passage to the areas now set up for target practice."

  The rest of the groups waiting stood as their assignments were passed out. Most were told to talk amongst each other and devise different plans to go on the offensive. When finished written reports would be handed over for review.

  Since Cory was seated with the senior officers he wrote down some of the questions he'd had coming back from lunch

  "I want to attack as soon as the plans are agreed to." T'ilvesh told his officers "This war must be fought intelligently. Losing is not an option. It can't be."

  As the discussion started in the conference room Hawk and Surni took their groups to the target ranges to begin training the officers in their groups.

  Hawk led his to the firearms range while Surni took her group to the archery area. Soon there was gunfire echoing through the areas now being used as ranges.

   Surni's group trained with bows. Surprisingly, a few of her group had trouble using the weapon. Showing them the way Cory had showed her, they picked up on it shortly and were soon hitting the bullseye regularly.

   Hawk found his group learned how to use the sidearms easily. Some were amazed at how much damage the slugs caused to the targets. After a half hour the groups switched places and Surni once again taught archery.

   During this time the senior officers discussed tactics.

   Cory was about to throw a wrench into the planning with a question.

   "Excuse me," Cory said to get their attention "but are the Ruchkitay independently intelligent or are they a hive mind mentality ?"

  A buzz rippled through the room as Corys question registered in each of the groups.

Although he expected some backlash he was shocked to find out that no one knew.

  "That's a question we have to get an answer to." T'ilvesh stated "We can't  afford to not know."

   The Commander ordered his officers to get the answer. Three of them ran off to research or ask others who might know.

  "Another question I have is about the technology they use." Cory began more than a little uncomfortable his first question caused such an uproar, he hesitated.

  "Go on and ask." T'ilvesh prodded him "Don't be nervous, this is why I wanted you here."

  "Alright, here goes." Cory continued "Is the technology they use theirs, I mean did they develop it themselves or did they merely acquire it as they advanced?"

  "Why?" came the response from a few of the officers "What difference does it make?"

  "Well, if it's stolen technology we might find a weakness in certain ships if members of the developing race is in the crews somewhere." Cory replied "If they developed their own finding a weakness might be more difficult."

  "Both questions are good ones. I just hope we get answers in time." the Commander said.

  At that time the doors opened and Hawk led the first weapons students back to the planning session.

  After they entered they were brought up to speed with where the session was at. Finding out about the questions Cory had asked one of the newcomers answered one of the questions.

  "When they got to my world," A being who resembled a bear without the long snout said "they were in pirated ships from a world we did business with. That's how they got on the ground. After that, it was chaos." The being angrily recalled. "However, as we escaped the only ships we saw were already known to us. They came from worlds that had already fallen."

  "So no technology they produced?" Cory asked

  "None that I could see." was the reply.

  The Commander stored the information on a note taking tablet for further perusal as Cory talked further with the being whose name was Chuff.

  "Have you seen any surviving members of the ships you've come across?" Cory inquired "They could be a great source of information."

  "Probably are, though I've not run into everyone in the fleet." Chuff said "It could take some time to find a few."

  "I have an idea, hold on a moment, Chuff." Cory requested. He then turned to the Commander "Commander, would it be possible to broadcast to all the races who have had their ships taken by the Ruchkitay to report to the cruiser?" Cory asked "Ships Engineers, Engineering apprentices and so on. That would be the best."

  "For what?" T'ilvesh asked as the reason dawned on him "Never mind, I know why."  T'ilvesh turned to the Captain of The Retailator and asked him to see the broadcast immediately, promising to keep the Captain in the loop. "Thank you, Slei."  turning back to Cory he said "Done, anything else?"

   Cory shook his head .

  "Good, You take the senior officers to the target ranges." T'ilvesh said

    "Yes, Sir." Cory replied as he saluted "This way, please."  waving an arm towards ranges.


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