Chapter 32

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  The week passed quickly with all items on the list bought and taken to the ship.

  Brads week was filled with trying to make his contacts believe what evidence he presented. Most thought the pictures and videos were faked. The item that brought them around was the small metal sculpture from Iggys homeworld. The metal was not found on Earth. From that point on governments around the world demanded to be the first to meet with the Commander. To solve this problem Cory flew back to the ship and brought back enough translators for the U.N. assembly. T'ilvesh agreed to address them from the bridge of the Revenge.

  In the meantime, Sally and Krystal completed the plans for the wedding. Krys' dress, which Sally chose, was as form fitting as she could make it. Cory decided to wear his dress uniform for the ceremony. The food for the reception would be catered by Corys aunts company.

  The day before the wedding T'ilveshs' address to the U.N. took place.

  On the wall behind the speakers podium a projection of the Commander was shown so all could see and hear what he had to say.

  "People of Earth," T'ilvesh began "Know now that you are not alone in the Universe. There are countless species. We are peaceful as a community. We value life above all so you have nothing to fear from us."

  An outburst arose when aides reported that the speeches video transmission was world wide, on every station around the world.

  "By now," T'ilvesh continued  "your U.N. will have found out that all people have been notified of our existence. Now I will address the U.N.s assembly only. Thank you."

  When the civilian channels became silent the Commander started again.

  "To be honest, it's better that all know the truth. Your planet is in danger from a race called the Ruchkitay. We have recruited one of your species, through him we gained a way to defeat these creatures. His contributions to our struggle to reclaim worlds that these monsters conquered has been invaluable. Your worlds firearms have proven to be effective whereas more advanced weaponry has failed. I wish to say 'Thank you' for your help."

  As applause ran through the room as the Commander took a breath. Silence fell as T'ilvesh went on.

  "The human member of our team, Cory Lansing, is here to assist us in our fight and has proven to be an invaluable member of my crew. Tomorrow we leave to rejoin the fleet and continue our quest to reclaim our homes. Thank you, again. Goodbye."

  As soon as he signed off T'ilvesh walked to the hanger bay where he met the rest of the squad to go to the wedding. During the week Cory had taken translators to all members of his family as well as pictures and video of the people from the squad to get them used to seeing them and avoid panic.

  Landing in the field next to Corys fighter the group was met by Brad and Cory, all decked out in his dress which he got from the dispenser in his quarters. Both were driving minivans to get them to town. Hawk engaged the cloak while the rest got in the vans. As they drove along the highway both drivers were bombarded with questions about the operation of the vehicle. Luckily the ride was short. Arriving at Corys parents house, they were greeted by Sally, who hugged each of them as they entered.

  "Since we have a little time before we go to the hall for the ceremony, I made some snacks." Sally said.

  "Would you like some help bringing it out? Shoure immediately asked, drawing laughter from everyone.

  "Why thank you, Shoure, that would be very helpful." Sally said leading the way into the kitchen.

  "Leave enough for us, Show." Rufe called out.

  "No promises." Shoure shot back.

  "Maybe we should have volunteered," Rufe said as the rest of the squad just shrugged.

  Just then they reappeared holding a platter in each hand. Placing them on the table the group served themselves, filling plates with finger foods. Different flavors of soda were available with sample sized cups so each could chose which they preferred. An hour later Sally, Krystal and Surni left for the hall to get Krystal ready.

  "Now that the ladies have left," Brad said "it's time for a drink."

  Getting a tray with shot glasses and several bottles of different liquors, he set the tray on the coffee table and bade his guests to help themselves. Cory ran up to his room and brought down a bottle of Caslin for his dad to try.

  "It smells sweet and mild," Cory told his dad "but it runs over 150 proof. Be careful."

  "So you say." Brad responded "I'll be my own judge."

  Not heeding Corys warning Brad gasped as he swallowed a full shot. As with Cory, when he first tried the drink, he was surprised at the potency of the liquor.

  "Wow!" Brad gasped out  "That packs a kick."

  "I told you." Cory admonished "The stuff is strong."

  When the laughter died down it was time to go meet the others for the ceremony.

  When they arrived at the hall all the relatives had beaten them there, all wanting to meet beings from space. All the guests were excited when the group walked in, crowding around to be introduced to the aliens. Most were intimidated by T'ilveshs size since he filled out his uniform admirably. After the commotion died down and everyone took their seats the wedding began. Cory stood waiting for Krystal to appear after Sally and Surni stood in front of the judge. He smiled broadly when Krystal showed up in the doorway escorted by T'ilvesh since her parents were several galaxies away. Giving her hand to Cory the ceremony proceeded without a hitch. As soon as the vows were said and the kiss done the reception got underway.

  Corys relatives were all stunned by Krystals beauty and the fact she wanted Cory. The ones who teased him the worst were jealous beyond words and all lined up to dance with Krystal. She, however, danced only with T'ilvesh, Brad and Cory, refusing all other offers.

  The day ended when Cory took Krystal back to the house to change out of their fancy clothes and back into daily uniforms. Coming down the stairs they were met by his parents and the squad to return to the Revenge. This time Sally drove so they could all leave together.

  "We'll be back as soon as this is over." Cory said to his parents. Sally had tears rolling down her cheeks as she hugged both of them tightly, making them promise to return quickly.

  In moments the two ships had taken off, heading back to the stars and their fight.

  As the Revenge readied for leaving the ships landed in the hanger.

  Once back on the bridge T'ilvesh gave the order to depart at maximum stardrive velocity. Engaging power the Revenge quickly left the solar system


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