Chapter 7

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Cory woke with a start, remembering that he wanted to ask the Commander something. He took a quick shower still amazed at how clean he felt after a sonic shower, but he still craved the feeling of hot water coursing over his still sore muscles and sooth his quickly fraying nerves. Putting on a fresh plain uniform, since he had no real rank in this organization yet, He got himself put together and walked out the door.

  He reached the command center in a few minutes. Going in he saw T'ilvesh at the table going over reports that had been put there while he had been off-duty. Krystal was at her station, watching a monitor for any disruptions in the vicinity. She smiled brightly when she saw him enter.

  "Sir," Cory said, as he stepped up to the Commanders desk "I'd like a minute of your time when you have it."

  "Now is fine, Cory," the Commander told him, "Have a seat."

  "Thank you,Sir," Cory said, "I have a question."

  "Go ahead."

  "Have you ever captured a live Ruchkitay and if so, could I get a chance to study it and maybe find a weakness we can exploit?" Cory inquired

  "Very few have ever been captured since they normally fight to the death. They ask for no quarter nor do they give any." T'ilvesh responded, "But I think that there might be one or two you could observe."

  "How about live feeds of past battles?" Cory asked "That could help, as well.

  "Yes, we have footage of some past battles, but our own scientists have not found any weaknesses," T'ilvesh stated "How do you think you can help?"

  "Fresh eyes may spot something that others won't because of their familiarity with them." Cory said "I might not find anything either, but I'd like to try."

  "After your training. That will give me time to put all the records together." the Commander told him.

  "Thank you, Sir." Cory replied, "I'll be back then."

"No need to be so formal since we only use those ranks in battle. You'll find this out as we go along." T'ilvesh responded with a grin, "Saves time and makes it easier to relate with the rest of our coalition if you don't throw rank around a lot."

  Cory smiled as he thanked the Commander again and left for breakfast before meeting the rest of the squad for training. When Cory got to the mess hall he found the squad there waiting for him. He got his breakfast, then sat next to Hawk and started to eat.

  "So," Rufin asked, "how did your night go with the lovely Krystal?"

  "Pretty good," Cory replied with a grin.

  "Details, my boy,details." Rufin coaxed, "We can't gossip without them. C'mon, give."

  "You won't get them from me." He said, "I don't kiss and tell."

  "Awww, spoilsport," Rufe pouted then brightened, "Krystal will."

  "That's Her choice," Cory responded, straight faced, "But I'll be more surprised if she doesn't slap you when you ask."

  "Honestly, I would be, too." Rufe laughed, "But I had to try."

  "Has anyone ever told you, it's women who are supposed to gossip?" Cory teased him

  "The guys on my world do it as much as women do."

  "I bet the divorce rate is sky high there, too."

  "Not really, nobody pays attention to it, anyway."

  "Then why do it?"

  "Boredom, mostly."

Recruit: Book One of the Universal Conflict ( Under Constant Editing)Where stories live. Discover now