Chapter 25

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  Just outside the solar system that contained Krystals planet the Revenge and the fleet stopped for reconnaissance of Cinotae. Krystal flew the drone herself since she knew the planet best. As her home came into view her heart caught in her throat. She hadn't realized how much she missed her home. Cory put a reassuring hand on her shoulder as a tear rolled down her cheek. Nearing the planet the cloaked ships' cameras showed the orderliness of an adult run society. The landscape unfolded, lush fields passed underneath showing that the destruction of the swarming was quite temporary. The adults seemed to realize the ecosystems of the planets they invaded were necessary for continuing breeding.  Surprisingly many native trees and plants had survived the swarming young and had regrown, showing a lush and fertile landscape. Upon seeing this Krystals hopes rose dramatically.  It shouldn't take long to fully reclaim Cinotaen society.

  "Wow! It is beautiful, Krys." Cory said as he looked at the screen on the drones console, watching the landscape unfold. The colors that flashed by showed a sky that was a darker shade of blue than Earth's, a lot of vegetation was green but in so many shades it was hard to separate them. Some trees had bright orange leaves and a few showed gem types of colors ranging from reds to blues to yellows plus many more.

  "It's not going to be easy this time, though." Krystal said "We have only adults to contend with. We need to be more careful here."
  "Since we found out that they are independently intelligent as adults," Shoure said "but a hive intelligence when young the fight has gotten easier but harder. Does that make any sense?"
  "Sure does." Cory stated "Having to contend with only adults is going to make this fight a lot tougher. Those things aren't stupid."

  Chuff and Rufin went into the ready room to fine tune the ground operations. Wanting as few losses as possible, they discussed at length the various strategies they would use on the surface.

  Since adults were in control of the space around the planet, it was fairly busy with incoming and outbound ships. This meant that the programmers would be kept busy disabling ships as they passed by the outer moons orbit. Since they were going to start disabling the ships on the ground the remaining programmers were split between five smaller ships to patrol between the two outer planets orbits and disable any  approaching ships before landing and outgoing ships before they engaged their stardrives.

  Now came the air strike phase of the retaking of Krystals home. Leading the squad towards her home, Krystal led the strafing runs across the streets and fields nearby. After the streets were cleared they set down with the ground fighters to clear out the buildings. This is where the fighting became fierce as the adults proved to be cunning as well as hard to kill. Shoure put his squad in the lead as they battled throughout the town. Upon entering the town hall a group of Ruchkitay attacked, the sudden noise of machine gun fire alerted the others to the appearance of a counter attack being attempted by the enemy. Taking up positions to catch them in a cross fire, Chuff and Rufins squads set down a withering barrage of gunfire when Shoures squad retreated drawing the adults out to the street. In seconds Ruchkitay bodies littered the street.

  Krystal had the battalion regroup. Splitting into groups of four they proceeded to start clearing homes of stragglers dragging the carcasses outside, piling them up to burn.

  Once the Ruchkitay were exterminated, the search for survivors commenced. Hunting through the subways many were found, starving and hurt, terrified when troops moved in the tunnels, thinking the Ruchkitay had overcome their dislike of dark, damp places. When they realized the troops were friendly people started to reveal themselves, many being helped by other survivors, coming out into the light after several years of scavenging at night.

  Krystal searched for her family among the rescued. Asking family friends who'd survived about the last time they had seen anyone from her clan.  She learned that all surviving members of her family had been seen at night, scavenging what was needed. Questioning further brought the information they might be hiding in the family's manufacturing plant on the farmland they owned outside the town borders. Krystal was overjoyed to hear that her family still lived. Cory almost smiling as wide as she was.

  Krystal was just about to go looking when Cory stopped her.

  "You're not going alone!" Cory told her unequivocally "Just wait five minutes, please."

  When he returned in two minutes he had the rest of the squad with him.  He had ordered the rest of the combat team to continue helping the other Cinoetaens. The squad all were armed with machine guns and side arms. They also carried packs with food, water and medical supplies, in case someone needed help.

  "All right, we're ready."Cory stated "Lead the way."

   "Thank you, guys." Krystal said to the group "It's this way."

  Walking along the road Hawk was on point, Shoure, Chuff kept watch to either side as Cory walked next to Krystal and kept watch overhead while Rufe brought up the rear, making sure nothing was behind them.

  Reaching their destination Cory stood back looking at a large factory style building.

  "My family owns this property.". Krystal informed the rest "There are four underground levels here. We need to search each one."
  "Your home is on the property too, isn't it?" Cory asked.
  "Farther in, about a half of one of your miles." Krystal acknowledged "My family owns everything on this side of town."
  "We'll need to clear all buildings before we go in to the plant." Chuff said.
  "Already been done." Cory interjected "My team cleared them during the strike."
  "Chuff, Shoure, you lead off. You're the best warriors I know. Your experience is needed now." Cory started "We'll follow closely, keeping you two covered."

  "Let's go!" Chuff exclaimed opening the door leading down.

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