Chapter 27

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Back on board the Revenge Cory and Krystal went to their quarters to clean up. Curious as to why Krystal wanted to stay with the fleet he walked into the bathroom while she showered.

"Why did you decide stay with the fleet?" he asked her "You could've stayed with your family."

"I could have," she replied "but I felt this is where I needed to be. I owe the people here so much it would feel like I'd be abandoning my friends. Not to mention you. I know you, you'll fight til the end. Victory or defeat, you'll stay with the fleet. I'll stay with you. Always."

"I love you, Krys, and I want you safe." Cory told her "You're everything to me. But I'm glad you chose to stay with me."

"I love you, too." She replied "I just need to see this through. No matter how it ends."

Knowing Krystal felt the same way he did made Cory happy but he dreaded what could happen if they guessed wrong even once during this campaign of reclamation. He was afraid he could lose her. However, what was done, was done and there would be danger ahead. He'd just have to deal with it.

"We have to meet Hawk and Shree for lunch before the strategy briefing" Krystal reminded him.

"Well, let's get going then."Cory said.

Making their way to the mess hall to meet with Hawk and Shree for dinner they ran into Iggy from supplies.

"My world is next." Iggy said "I came by to help with the planning of the mission."

"Glad to have the help, Ig. " Cory said "The meeting is in a couple of hours."

"I know." Iggy replied "I was hoping to get something to eat first. Would you like to join me?"

"We have plans already," Krys said "but I'm sure they won't mind if you join us."

"Thanks," Iggy said "but you go ahead. I'll find Shoure, he said he was going to order me something called a steak. He says it's unbelievable."

"How do you know Shoure?" Cory asked smiling at his comment since it did sound like something Shoure would say.

"He's family." Iggy said "On my mates side. I didn't even know he was on board the ship or even in the fleet."

"OK." Cory said "With both of you we can get a fuller view of the situation. We'll see you at the briefing."

"Alright." Iggy replied "See you there."

Arriving in the mess hall they joined Hawk and Shree at a table in back where Hawk had brought some pizzas and drinks for everyone. Talking as they ate Cory filled them in on Iggys participation in the details of the upcoming reclamation of his homeworld. Both were surprised to find out Shoure was related to Iggy.

"It's surprising Shoure didn't tell us he had family aboard." Hawk commented "It's not like he doesn't talk...much."

"On duty he's pretty quiet." Krystal said.

"Yeah, on duty." Shree remarked "Off duty he never shuts up. Always talking about food."

"He does love to eat." Cory chuckled "He's always asking about Earth cooking. Makes me wish I had downloaded cookbooks instead of weapons plans."

Looking around they saw Shoure and Iggy across the room. Cory suggested they take their pizzas over and join them. Everyone agreed, so they picked up the food and walked over to the pair.

"Mind if we crash your party?" Cory asked them "We bring food."

"Sure!" Shoure said enthusiastically, as he snatched up some pizza "Have a seat."

"How come you never told us you had family aboard?" Hawk asked.

"Just found out myself an hour ago." Shoure said "He was always off duty when I was on board. I just saw him a little while ago."

"Nice. Iggy, how do you like your steak?" Cory asked.

"Very good, excellent texture, the flavor is unmatched." Iggy said "Although, that looks interesting."

"Help yourself." Cory said pushing the pizzas over to him.

An hour of banter ensued. Iggy proved to be a highly intelligent, versatile conversationalist. Cory decided to talk to T'ilvesh about reassigning Iggy to the squad.

Answering the call to begin the planning phase of reclamation. The group got up and walked to the ready room. Iggy was walking in the center of the group, chatting with Rufe, who had joined the group as they headed to the bridge.

As work started Iggy proved to be invaluable with his scope of knowledge about his half of the planet, Shoure was just as impressive as Iggy when it came to his part of their world. In a short time they had a plan in place to retake the planet and a good grasp of where any survivors would likely be found. Now it all came down to the hours it would take to arrive in the system. A few minutes later Cory got his chance to request Iggy be transferred to the squad immediately. T'ilvesh thought about it for a while before approving the request.

While T'ilvesh considered the request the squad, with Iggy in tow, went to get dinner.

A short time later T'ilvesh joined the squad around a table where everyone was enjoying dinner.

"Cory, I decided to reassign Iggy to the squad." the Commander told him, looking at Iggy he continued "I hope you don't mind being reassigned to this squad."

"Not at all," Iggy replied "I feel like I belong on board now. Somewhere I'm needed."

"You better get some rest after you finish here." T'ilvesh suggested.

"Definitely." the group agreed.

Shortly afterwards they broke up and went to their respective quarters.

The fight would start soon enough.

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