Chapter 50

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T'ilvesh stood in the hanger bay of the Starblade as Cory and Krystal climbed out of a two seat fighter they had used to fly over. Krystal ran over and gave T'ilvesh a quick salute before she threw military decorum aside and hugged him. Smiling, the Commander hugged her back then shook Corys hand.
"I'm anxious to meet the people you brought with." T'ilvesh said.  
  "I think they'll work out." Cory replied "Although, some might be a bit overwhelmed but they should be OK after they're used to the idea of fighting on different worlds."
"We have Surni aboard observing them for any aberrations from warping." Krystal informed the Commander "While you're meeting with the leaders we'll check with her to see if anyone reacted badly."
"Sounds good to me." T'ilvesh replied "So, let's go."
  They walked along the passageway leading to the mess area. Happily, they saw human and extraterrestrials working and chatting amiably side by side.
"This looks favorable, they're getting along fine." T'ilvesh observed.
Reaching the mess area Krystal left to find Surni while the Commander and Cory went to sit with the leaders of the human fighters. Spotting them at a rear table, T'ilvesh and Cory grabbed coffee for themselves then joined the men at their table. When they got there Cory introduced the leaders to the Commander.
"Commander, these are from left to right, General Hagler, Colonel Danzig, Colonel Wells and Major Brattel." Cory said "Gentleman, Commander T'ilvesh."
Shaking hands all around, T'ilvesh greeted the men.
  "I noticed your men are getting along with the crew fairly well." T'ilvesh stated "Have you had any problems with cooperation?"
  "Not that we've seen." General Hagler replied "However, that doesn't mean it can't or won't happen but we're keeping a close eye on things."
  "Good to know." the Commander said "We'll be working closely together. I need your people to help train our fighters to make them better than they are. Is that possible?"              "Depends on what your people already know." Colonel Danzig shrugged "They might teach us some new methods. Just have to find out."
  As the discussion continued Krystal went to find Surni and found her in the medical bay tending to a crew member who had burnt himself repairing equipment. When Surni saw Krystal she excused herself and came over to her.
  "Meet me in the mess area." Surni requested "I'll be there shortly."
  Krystal nodded and walked back to the mess area to wait for Surni to join her. Walking into the mess she was waved over to the table by T'ilvesh. She went and sat next to Cory as the Commander filled in the leaders on Ruchkitay tactics.
  "They are at their most dangerous when they swarm." Krystal added her input "The young coming of age eat everything in sight. You might get caught at the onset on some worlds. It can get nasty when that happens."
  At that point Surni walked in to find Krystal with the men at the table. She walked over and sat next to Krystal to wait until the Commander finished his briefing. A short time later Surni was able to reveal her findings about human susceptibility to warp sickness.
  "The Earthers seem to be quite immune to it." she started "However, I need to observe them for a while longer."
  "Take as long as you need." T'ilvesh said "We will be back for operational briefing. For now, enjoy your free time."


  Six weeks went by as Terran and extraterrestrial trained side by side, each learning from the other. All too soon the assault forces were put to the test when news of Ruchkitay movement towards inhabited planets reached the fleet. Immediately, T'ilvesh gave the orders to warp to the coordinates of the rumoured attack. As soon as they exited outside the galaxy they received reports of Sleis subfleet engaging Ruchkitay invaders, who were swarming many inhabited planets within the galaxy.
  "Set course to Sleis' coordinates," the Commander ordered "Battle fleet on high alert, prepare to warp directly to the system."
  "Sir!" Krystal objected "That is extremely hazardous, you know this."
  "I do," the Commander replied "but we need to reinforce Slei now. This battle is not going well for us."
  "Plot course to Sleis position and prepare to warp." Krystal ordered the helm control officer "Alert battle group to warp, civilian group to normal procedure."
  "Yes, Ma'am" Shree answered, turning to her comm station to issue the orders.
  "Pray we don't kill ourselves with this stunt." she told T'ilvesh.
  "Already doing that." he replied with a worried look on his face.
  All too soon they were told that the fleet was ready and coordinates set. T'ilvesh paced as he struggled with himself to jeopardize the fleet by trying to warp directly to Slei's position. Realizing if they didn't it was possible to lose not only his friend but a good number of fighters they couldn't afford to lose. Worrying about what they were about to attempt, knowing the possibility of exiting inside a star was increased the closer you get towards the system your target was located in. Even though the exit point was three light years away the chance was still over 60 percent.
Turning to Krystal, T'ilvesh said "Do it now, before I change my mind."
  "All ships proceed with warp." She ordered "Jump in two minutes."
  Watching the warp appeture open everybody seemed to hold their breath as they gambled everything. As the ships appeared from the other end of the wormhole, Krystal would tell Cory later she felt the air pressure almost double as they all exhaled simultaneously.
  "So that's why my ears popped." he joked "I wondered about that."
  Thirty minutes later the fleet came out of stardrive to see many fleet ships disabled and under attack by planetary defenses prompting T'ilvesh to immediately launch fighters strikes against the defense satellites that were causing the damage.
  "We should find ground control for the satellite defense." Krystal said "I could take the squad and try to take it out."
  "Good idea," T'ilvesh replied "but you are staying on the bridge. Cory will lead the mission."
  With that, the Commander called Cory to his office where he explained the mission goal of knocking out satellite control. With his orders clear, Cory mustered the squad and set out.
They reached the atmosphere unchallenged since the squad had cloaked as soon as they left the hanger bay. Homing in on the control frequency, they soon approached the facility.            Uncloaking, the squad immediately came under fire from ground based air defense systems.
  "This is going to be a rough one, guys." Cory announced to the rest "Keep alert."
  Ducking and dodging the incoming fire, the squad closed in on their target. As they lined up for the missile launch one of the air defense shots caught Shoures aft. The shot sent Shoure careening off towards an empty field.
Cory watched as his friend got his ship down and climbed out of the cockpit.
"Take cover," Cory told the unlucky pilot "We'll be back."
  "Take out some of the ground defense launchers, will ya?" Shoure requested "Be careful."
Cory laughed at his squadmates, responded "You got it."
  Heading off, Cory quickly caught up and engaged his missiles tracking circuit. As he lined up his shot his fighter suddenly rocked. Pulling the trigger, Cory was able to fire off his salvo. As he started to descend he saw his missiles hit their target.
  "Take out ground defenses," Cory ordered "I'm hit and going down, send in the cavalry."
  That was the last transmission Krystal heard. Her heart felt like it was going to shatter as she watched Corys  fighter drop.

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