Chapter 31

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  Corys parents sat staring out the ports, watching as the ground fell away beneath them. Reaching the edge of space Cory pushed the throttle forward increasing the thrust. Inertial dampeners kept them from being crushed by the ships acceleration as their speed increased quickly. Within 15 minutes they were alongside the Moon. A couple of minutes later they were behind it.

  "Revenge, this is Transport One," Cory said contacting the cruiser "Request decloak  for entry."

  "Transport One, decloaking now." Shrees  voice came through the speaker.

  Corys parents could only stare in disbelief as the massive ship seemed to appear out of nowhere. The size astounded them as they quickly closed the distance. Two hundred yards away Cory slowed the ship to landing speed and entered the hanger bay. Landing without a bump, Cory powered down and opened the hatch.

  "We're going straight to the bridge." Cory said as he helped his parents out of the ship.

  "Sally, what was in our drinks?" Brad asked his wife "This has got to be a trick of some kind."

  "No trick, Dad." Cory stated leading them through the passageways to the bridge.

  As they were just outside the bridge Corys mom let out a startled gasp as Shoure and Rufin came out of a side passage to greet them. The sight of a six foot tall lizard walking on two legs and a being that looked like an oversized dog, also walking on two legs, scared Corys mom a bit until Cory introduced his two squad mates to his parents. Lacking translators, his parents were unable to understand spoken greetings. As the group entered the bridge Cory asked Shoure to go get a couple of translators from supplies. As Shoure ran off Cory saw T'ilvesh in the ready room going over the plans for a coordinated assault when they rejoined their battlegroup in a couple of weeks.

  Cory stepped into the ready room to talk to the Commander before introducing him to his parents. T'ilvesh frowned as Cory told him why he brought them on the ship.

  "We can use their help." Cory said "My Father has contacts I don't."

  "I'll trust you on this but I don't like it." T'ilvesh replied "Let's get on with it."

  Walking back to his parents Cory introduced the Commander. Corys mom had to bend her head back quite a way to look him in the eyes. Corys dad was impressed with the size of T'ilvesh not to mention a bit intimidated. This was laid to rest as T'ilvesh's welcome towards them was warm and friendly. At this point Shoure returned with the translators. Putting them in their ears his parents were surprised as they could suddenly understand everybody that talked to them.

  "I'm glad to have met you both." T'ilvesh said "However, I need to get back to my duties now."

  "It's nice meeting you, too." Brad responded. Corys mom just smiled as she shook the Commander's hand.

  "OK, let's go meet the rest of the squad." Cory said "We can get breakfast as well."

  Krystal contacted the members who hadn't been on the bridge as they walked to the mess hall. By the time they got there Hawk, Chuff, Surni and Iggy had arrived and gotten a table for all of them.

  After introductions had been made Cory and Chuff went and brought back platters of ham, eggs, hash browns and coffee. When Shoure saw foods he hadn't tried he became happier than usual.

  "Something new!" Shoure exclaimed "This day is getting better already."

  "You have to forgive Shoure," Cory said laughing "His universe revolves around food."

  "And why not?" Shoure retorted "Good food makes good friends."

  "Yes it does." Corys mom supported "That's what my mother said as well. I've seen it work many times."

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