Chapter 29

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  Once clear of the galactic barrier T'ilvesh sent requests for updates from each offshoot fleet to find out how they were faring in their sectors. By repositioning the ship and opening the warp drive wormhole, messages could be sent and received across the vast distances of the universe. This allowed T'ilvesh to keep in contact with the rest of the sub-fleets. As the reports came in it was apparent that the plan of reconquest was working.

  "All reports are in now, Sir." Shree reported "No major setbacks. Minor personnel losses. All planets reclaimed successfully, so far. No problems are foreseen."

  "Thank you, Shree." T'ilvesh said "Send back to proceed as planned but to stay alert."

  "Yes Sir." Shree replied, turning to her console to carry out her orders.

  With the news of success came a feeling of relief, however, he still wanted to proceed with caution.

  "I'm going to get a meal before we warp to the next destination." he told Shree "Contact me when we're ready to go."

  He turned to leave when Krystal and Cory walked onto the bridge.

  "What are you two doing here?" T'ilvesh asked "Neither of you are on duty today."

  "We came to ask you to dinner." Krystal answered "The rest of the squad elected us to come and get you."

  "OK," T'ilvesh said "I was just going to get something to eat, anyway." 

  "Great, let's go." Cory said "Shoure said he was getting something called getolk, a dish from his world."

  "I've had that before." the Commander stated "It's not bad."

  "I'm game," Cory replied "Something different for a change."

  "What do you mean?" Krystal said as she elbowed him in the ribs "You eat something new at least once a day."

  "Oww!" Cory replied as he rubbed the spot where her elbow had dug in "I wasn't complaining. Just saying it's new, to me."

  "Oh, sorry." Krystal apologized winking at T'ilvesh as she kept teasing Cory "So when are you going to introduce us to a new dish from Earth?"

  "How about tomorrow?" Cory asked "We'll have ham." 

  "I'm holding you to that." T'ilvesh stated joining Krystal in teasing Cory.

  "First thing in the morning," Cory promised "Goes great with eggs and hash browns."

  Laughing, they walked to the mess hall, ribbing each other the whole way there.

  As they entered the hall Hawk stood up and waved letting them know where the squad had gathered.  Cory couldn't believe how many people enlisted to continue fighting the Ruchkitay. Weaving their way through the crowded tables they made their way to their friends and sat down.

  "Whew!" Cory said "That was almost as bad as clearing a building. Where did everyone come from?"

  "We've grown a bit." T'ilvesh told him "This is just this shift, two more to go."

  "Well it is nice to get some time to ourselves." Krystal commented "We went a long time without down time to complain about it."

  "But...?" the Commander prompted knowing she had more to say.

  "But, I'm getting bored." Krystal continued "I want to do something besides train."

  "OK," T'ilvesh told her "What do you want to do? It's not like we can take a break from the fight."

  "True," Cory interrupted "On Earth we have something called 'leave time' . People can get away from the war for a few weeks. Go home and see family again, relax, clear your head. Works for my world."

  "That might work for us as well," T'ilvesh said "Those who have been fighting longest can get a break."

  The group discussed the idea of leave for some time. They agreed that it would help to get away but at the same time everyone wanted to free their homes. By looking at the next planets to retake they were able to figure out who could be given leave first.

  "I just joined," Cory said "We'll be finished by the time I qualify for leave."

   "But your world hasn't been invaded." Krystal said.

  "Doesn't matter," Cory responded "I haven't been a part of the fleet that long. There are some here who have been here a whole lot longer than I've been. They deserve to get leave first."

  "Noble thought," T'ilvesh stated "However, there is a way you can get home. I'd like you to go back to Earth and bring more technology back. Maybe a few new foods while you're at it."

  "Just me?" Cory asked.

  "No, you'll take Krys with you." the Commander said "She can help gather the information needed."

  "Great!" Cory replied "But I have no more money. I spent it all coming here the first time."

  "That shouldn't be a problem." T'ilvesh said "We have gems and different metals that are valuable to your world. We'll make sure you have enough."

  "Sounds good to me." Krys said smiling at Cory "How long do we have?"

  "Three weeks until we jump to the next world." T'ilvesh responded "We'll be jumping to Earths galaxy after we eat."

  "The whole sub-fleet?" Hawk inquired.

  "Just The Revenge." the Commander replied "The rest of the ships will remain here."

  The squad soon finished eating and joined T'ilvesh on the bridge for the jump back to The Milky Way galaxy and Earth.

  "We're in position to jump, Commander," the officer on duty said "on your orders."

  "Alert the crew to get ready for warping." T'ilvesh ordered "when done."

  "All crew prepare for warp." resounded throughout the ship as crew members got ready for the jump.

  "Open the warping emitters bay."  T'ilvesh ordered

  "Emitter online and ready." came the confirmation.

  "Activate and jump."

  As Cory and the squad watched, space warped and the ship entered the wormhole. In moments they were just outside the barrier of the Milky Way. One small micro jump later they were inside the barrier.

  Engaging the stardrive, The Revenge headed towards Earth. Cory and Krystal sat and watched
the stars sweep by, shifting from red to blue as the Revenge flew towards Earth.

Recruit: Book One of the Universal Conflict ( Under Constant Editing)Where stories live. Discover now