Chapter 26

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A/N : Lis- Mom or mother

Jin-Dad or father

   Creeping silently down to the first subterranean level, flashlights beaming around the visible space, two searching the ceiling for stray Ruchkitay that might be hiding down there. Carefully searching the level they found no sign of life.

  "One down, three to go." Shoure said

Repeating the maneuver they quickly cleared the next two levels.

  Walking into the last level they started to search, methodically moving quietly through aisles created between stacks of goods and supplies. About halfway in Chuff held up a hand for silence, A sound of movement from ahead alerted them of life. Throwing caution to the wind Krystal called out to whomever was hiding down there.

  "Lis, Jin, can you hear me." She yelled "Please come out. It's me, Krystal."

  "We've defeated the Ruchkitay." Cory added "You're safe now."

  "Krystal?!" came a woman's  voice from the darkness ahead "You're not dead?"

  "No, Lis, I was rescued by a fleet of other races who are fighting these vermin." Krystal answered.

  At these words a group of people appeared in front of them, a lean man in the lead.

Suddenly a woman burst through the group to grab Krystal in a tight hug, sobbing with joy.

   "I missed you, too, Lis," Krystal told her. In an instant, the group surrounded her, all trying to embrace her at once.

  Cory stood back, quietly watching, a wide smile on his face. He was happy for her, finding most of her family still alive.

  "I hate to break this up," Cory interrupted, raising his voice over the clamoring "Let's go back to the rest of the people. We need to request dispensers for the town."

  "You can't!" Jin said, frightened by the thought "You'll be eaten. You have to go at night."

  "Not anymore." Krystal reassured them "Our home is ours again. We're telling everyone, They're all dead."

  Asking if there were severely injured among the group, they were told all the living were not hurt. The group then followed Krystal outside into the sunlight. Calling Cory over to her she introduced him to her parents.

  "Cory this is my Lis, the one you would call Mom." Krystal explained "And this is my Jin, Or Dad in your experience. Lis, Jin, this is Cory, my mate." Turning to a woman who could be Krystal's twin she introduced as her sister.

  "Nice to meet you." Cory said "From what Krys told me about the swarming I wasn't sure I would get to meet you."

  "It's nice to meet you, too." her Jin said smiling broadly at his wife, who was hugging Krystal enthusiastically before turning to Cory. Kissing him on the cheek she welcomed him to the family.

  "How did you meet?" Krystals mom asked.

  "I literally just bumped into her." Cory answered, smiling "Best thing that ever happened  to me."

  "I was on a mission to find weapons that could affect the Ruchkitay. I was thinking about how I could find the information we were looking for. He almost knocked me down. When he grabbed me to steady me I felt it." Krystal explained "The strange part is he felt it, too. A day later we found each other again. We haven't been apart since."

  "And I don't intend to spend any time away from her." Cory happily declared, as he held her close.

  "That's sweet," said Lis "What planet are you from?"

  "We call it Earth." Cory replied "We're not conquered yet, I joined to make sure we're not. My galaxy is far from here. I want to keep it safe."

  "Noble ideals," Jin commented "What happens when the fighting is over? Where do you go to live?"

  "Wherever Krystal wants." Cory said "We can always travel back to my world, occasionally."

  Her parents seemed happy with his answer. Funny thing was, he meant it. Aside from his parents he had nothing to go back for.

  At that time the Commanders transport arrived with dispensers for the population in this district. The squad pitched in quickly unloading everything from the cargo bay of the transport.

  Getting food to those who had scrimped and scavenged to keep alive, was first on the list.

  Soon all survivors had platters of food in front of them. The squad stood watch just in case a stray Ruchkitay suddenly appeared. Nothing was going to stop the celebration. Making sure the ground fighters ate The senior members relieved the men so they were fed. As soon as they finished the senior members sat with Krystals family.

  "Krys has never been so happy." Cory whispered to T'ilvesh "I like her like this. Any way we can get some of her family to come with?"

  T'ilvesh shrugged "We'll find out. Is Krys going to stay and help out here?"

  It was Corys turn to shrug, they had never talked about it. He didn't know how to bring it up.

  "I guess I'll ask her what she wants to do." Cory said to T'ilvesh. Turning towards where Krystal sat with her folks eating as they chatted amongst themselves. Sitting next to Krystal, Cory took hold of her hand. As usual the flow of energy sped through him, making his heart race.

  "T'ilvesh wants to know what you're going to do." Cory told her "Are you staying here or stay with the fleet."

  "We were just discussing that when you sat down." She replied "I'm staying with the fleet until we win or die. There really is no other way."

  "I'm sure the Commander will be happy to hear it." Cory said "I'm pretty sure he wants to leave soon. We're nowhere near done fighting yet."

  Krystal got up and told T'ilvesh then came back to the table. She told her parents they would be leaving shortly.

  "We still have a few days left here," Krystal said to her family "but I still have my duties with the fleet, as well."

  "You can stay with us until you go, can't you?" her mom asked.

  "I can come down when my shift is over." she responded "But I have to return to the ship for a while first."

  "We'll be waiting." her mom said "For both of you."

  Soon all were saying goodbye as the squad made their way to their fighters for the return trip to the ship. Taking off, they flew over the town to patrol the desert sections of the planet  since that was where the Ruchkitay layed their eggs. By learning this from the other worlds that had been retaken this was now a standing order. Soon smoke was seen from the nests. After bombing, ground troops moved in and used flamethrowers to completely incinerate the eggs.

  Seeing the progress the troops had made the squad headed back to the ship.


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