Chapter 21

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  True to their word, the civilian part of the fleet arrived in twelve hours. Dispatching medical help as the fleets shuttles full of Healers and equipment filed past the battleships towards the surface.

  The Retailator stopped beside the Revenge, Captain Slei asking for the Commander as he brought his shuttle aboard. When Slei opened the cockpit of the two-seat fighter he used for as a shuttle and climbed down, dismissing the pilot, T'ilvesh was there to meet him.

  "Welcome Aboard, Capt. Slei." the Commander formally welcomed his friend as protocol dictated. Clapping Slei on the shoulder, leading him to the ready room off the bridge for a cup of coffee. Walking along Slei asked how the assault played out. T'ilvesh stated that too many had died but the planet was cleared of Ruchkitay.

  "I'm hoping to get in on the fight." Slei commented "I know keeping the civilians safe is important but I want to get my licks in, too."

  "I'm sure you do." T'ilvesh responded "You may get your wish sooner than you want."

  "How do you figure that?" Slei asked a mixture of curiosity and concern on his face.

  "Our next stop is a member of Corys squad's homeworld," T'ilvesh answered "He might plan on staying after we liberate it... I just don't know."

  Reaching the ready room T'ilvesh went over to the dispenser and ordered two cups of coffee.

  "This drink is from Corys home, Earth they call it." the Commander informed Capt. Slei "It's called coffee, a mild stimulant, takes getting used to, though."

  "Let's try some." Slei said "How bad could it be?"

  "Depends on who makes it, normally," Cory quipped as he walked in with the rest of the squad, Surni included. "but with the dispenser, pretty much excellent."

  "Good to see you again, Cory." Capt. Slei greeted him, "I was wondering if I'd get to see you on this visit."

   "Good to see you again, too, Captain." Cory replied "This is my mate, Krystal. And these are the squad, Surni, Hawk, Rufin, Shoure And Chuff." Cory gestured to each as he introduced them to Slei.

  "I'm pleased to meet you all." Slei sincerely responded "Your plan worked, 'Vesh. You are to be commended."

  "Not yet, Slei, once we have neutralized the Ruchkitay, forever." T'ilvesh stated "We still have a war on our hands. How long do you think it'll take to protect their ships control systems? The closer we get the harder it will get. They aren't stupid."

  "You're right, of course." Slei said soberly, knowing his friend was correct. It wouldn't get any easier from here.

  Taking his first sip of coffee, Captain Slei rolled it around his mouth before swallowing. Smiling as he felt the caffeine start to kick in.

  "I like this." Slei said "You have something here."

  "You should try it brewed fresh," Cory replied "Grind the beans when you make it. I didn't bring my coffee-maker with, still in my cabin."

  "Maybe later." The Captain stated "'Vesh, seriously, I want to fight. I need to fight, You know what we've lost."

  "Slei, my friend, we've all lost something, family, friends, coworkers. Everyone in this fleet has lost their homes." T'ilvesh commented "We all want to fight. I promise you, you'll get your chance, soon."

  "I'm the lucky one here," Cory spoke up "They haven't hit my galaxy yet. I'm here fighting to keep them from getting there." Cory grunted as Krystal's elbow thumped his ribs. "And help Krys get her home back." he finished.

  "All right," Slei said "I'm holding you to that, soon."

  After Captain Slei left for his ship, the squad and T'ilvesh met in the mess hall to congratulate the crew for an outstanding performance during the retaking of Surni's homeworld.

  After that, Surni thanked everyone for helping return her races' home. Amid polite applause from the crew, the squad and T'ilvesh sat down to discuss the next campaign on Rufins' home.

  "Surn, how many of your race is staying here when we leave?" the Commander asked.

   "All of them." Surni replied "Only those under adulthood status are required to stay on the ground. All adults have agreed to come back and help eliminate this threat. Permanently"

  "All agreed?" the Commander repeated, incredulously "All?"

  "Yes, Sir." She replied "We've made friends among you all and we don't abandon our friends!"

  "You don't know how much that means to us. Thank You." T'ilvesh gratefully stated.

  Now, T'ilvesh could rest his mind for two weeks, as the fleet set course for Rufins' world. In two days the battle group portion of the fleet was leaving. A day later the civilian portion would set out for a rendezvous several light years outside the target system.                                                                          Since there was time, T'ilvesh allowed shore leave for the crews of the fleet, who happily joined the residents in cleaning up after the fighting. The residents, in turn, made sure the crews were well fed and entertained during their stay.                                                                        Surni and her family hosted the squad at the family,s home as they pitched in, rebuilding the barn and rounding up the animals scattered across the landscape, many of which had also hidden in dark areas where the Ruchkitay chose to avoid. gathering them together they distributed the found animals to their owners, if they had survived the occupation. Although the work was rewarding, the squad found themselves worn out from herding the 'cattle' over hills and through leafless wooded areas.         "As much fun as this is," Chuff said,wryly, "I'll be glad to get back to the ship when this is finished."      
  "We all will be." Krystal retorted as they finally reached the pasture of Surni's home, turning the animals loose to feed on the grass that was left, just enough for the surviving animals, luckily for the population of this world. Between the cattle and the dispensers left behind, the people would eat properly. "I, for one, will be happy to get back to my duties. This is work. I ache in places I forgot I had." she finished saying, putting her arms behind her back trying to stretch out her muscles.                
  "You got that right!" the normally silent Shoure exclaimed, guiding the last stray through the gate with a pat on its hip. "I want to try more Earth food. And I still owe Cory a meal from my home."              
   "He speaks!" Cory teased "For a while there I thought you lost the ability to talk."                                    "You'll never get that lucky.' Shoure quipped back "                             During the next two days the population of Surnis' home took their young and non combatants home to rebuild the spaceport. After two days the warriors returned to their duties and put the battle group in stardrive for their next fight.



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