Chapter 3

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A/N: Pronunciation help for some characters and planets at times throughout the story. Here are the first couple.

T'ilvesh = T sound - EEL-vesh

Cinotae = See-no-TAY

I hope this helps during your read.


  Cory couldn't figure out where Krystal had disappeared to so quickly earlier that morning. He felt that a part of him had vanished with her. It left him confused. He didn't understand how a simple touch could affect him like that. He didn't know about Krystals  otherworldly origins and her races chemistry.

  "This makes no sense." He agonized "I just met her, so why can't I get her out of my head?" The vision of her face was all he could see.

  His day at the shop was slow but steady. Luckily for him no one had wanted anything but oil changes, which he could do in his sleep, so he didn't ruin anyone's car because his mind was not on his job but on the beautiful woman he almost knocked down that morning and how he felt when he touched her. He swore he felt that current of energy surge as he thought of her.

  Walking home he turned down the sidewalk in the direction that she had, looking for any sign of her. He didn't find a thing. Disappointed, Cory turned back towards his home.

  "I'll go to the airport later and see if I can talk to her then." he thought as he continued home. Soon he was walking in his door.

  Looking around he noticed just how small and dingy it actually was. He didn't want to bring Krystal here. That would be embarrassing.

  After a short nap he showered and made himself a small dinner then set out for the airport to find her. As he drove to the airport he hoped to find her quickly so he could resolve or at least clear up his confusion as to why she was in his thoughts constantly. He also just wanted to be near her and feel the energy again. He couldn't wait to see her. It was driving him nuts.

  Walking into the small terminal he sat in the cafe drinking a coffee and watched those working throughout the small area. He didn't see her anywhere around.

  " Does a woman named Krystal work here ?" He asked as he ordered another cup of coffee.

  "No one works here by that name." the waitress stated as she poured his coffee, "Maybe she works in one of the other buildings. A secretary or receptionist for one of the smaller private charter lines."

  "Thanks, I'll check those out and see." Cory said smiling.

  After he finished his coffee and paid, leaving a generous tip, he started his search.

  Two hours later he got into his car, disappointed that no one seemed to know who she was. Nowhere at the airport could he find her. No service open even had an employee named Krystal.

  Driving home slowly he tried to figure out where Krystal went when he jammed on the brakes as he suddenly spotted her. His heart started racing as soon as he saw herthe. He stopped a half a block behind her. He was nervous, his hands shaking as he got out of the car.He sti didn't understand his heart raced as he looked at her.' Vh

   Standing on the sidewalk was Krystal, a sad look on her face. She had all but given up on finding Cory. It was depressing her that she couldn't find anyone whoeven knew who he was. She now thought she would die. How would she find him? How would she explain this to T'ilvesh? Her spirits dropped as she thought this. Walking up to her, his face lit up as he grew closer to her. Her head turned when she heard footsteps coming towards her. When she saw him she gave him a shy smile, although her heart pounded as he walked up to her. Now came the hard part.

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