Chapter 41

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  It took about a week before Caguan and his troops were ready for the fight. Since most of the troops were younger than Chuff, they didn't know their world except from the maps.

  "I would like to assign your people to separate divisions." T'ilvesh said "That would boost our forces greatly."

  "As long as we get to take our home back," Caguan replied "we don't care where we fight."

  "Thank you, Caguan," T'ilvesh said "your cooperation is appreciated. The assignments will be up to you. Put who you want where you want them."

  "Alright," Caguan replied "how soon can we get transportation to the divisions?"

  "We can send shuttles now, if you'd like." the Commander answered.

  "Let's do it!" Caguan exclaimed.

  "We attack tomorrow," T'ilvesh announced  to the squad as he turned to Shree "Launch the disabling program,NOW! Get the air strike squadrons ready to launch in four hours."

  "Yes, Sir!" Shree affirmed, soon the orders were being broadcast throughout the battle fleet. From this point on the ship was on a battle alert and people were rushing to complete their duties in time.

  "Cory," the Commander "you get the squad to rest. You're dismissed people, go to bed."

  The squad saluted as one and left the bridge to rest. Out in the passageway, Krystal suggested they go to the mess hall for dinner. Cory dropped back to invite Caguan to eat with them. Caguan accepted with a smile.

  "I could use your help. Will you have time?" Cory asked.

  "As long as I can get yours." Caguan replied "Could you give me a hand splitting up my fighters? Most have never been on Sha'agra, they can't help with an intimate knowledge of the terrain."

  "Do they know were their parents lived?" Cory responded "If so, they still have a home down there. I believe they'll fight harder because of it."

  Reaching the mess hall, the squad ordered individual dishes. Chuff grabbed Caguans arm, guiding him to the dispenser.

  "Steak, six pounds, rare." Chuff ordered for himself. 

  "What's that?" Caguan inquired, sniffing the meat.

  "Comes from Corys planet," Chuff answered "It's delectable."

  "Get one for me, please." Caguan said, looking back at Cory, who  was behind Krystal with his arms around her.

  After they sat to eat, the banter started. Everyone had their opinion and were not afraid to state them. Once the serious matters were through, teasing began. Krystal was that nights target.

  "So Krys," Rufe started "when are you having kids? Or hadn't you planned that yet?"

  "Don't know." Krys came back "For all I know, I might be pregnant now."
  Cory nearly choked on his drink when he heard that.

  "Really?" Surni joined in "Do you have any symptoms?"

  "I might." Krystal replied mysteriously "I might."

  At that, Corys mouth fell open in disbelief. He had never considered pregnancy, he didn't use protection with Krystal. The thought scared him... badly. He had wanted to wait until the Ruchkitay had been dealt with.

  "Would you be disappointed if you were pregnant?" Cory asked, dreading her reply.

  "Only having to leave the battle fleet." Krystal answered, smiling "Other than that, I'd be fine with having our kids."

  Hearing that relieved part of Corys concerns. Above all else he wanted her to be happy. Kids now might become a liability in their relationship. For the rest of the meal Cory was lost in thought and missed the conversation afterwards.

  The meal was finished soon afterwards. Cory and Krystal went back to their quarters for some sleep before the attack began.

  "Are you pregnant?" Cory asked "Or were you joking back there?"

  "I'm not pregnant," Krystal reassured him "Although, I do want children. I just don't want them now."

  "That's a relief," Cory said "I wanted to wait until this war is over."

  "That's what I want too." she replied "Now isn't the time. Let's go to bed. There's much too much to do tomorrow."


  It felt like they had just fallen asleep when the alarm woke them. Cory went to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee for them. Grabbing a mug for each, he went into the shower and handed Krystal hers. She sat and sipped her coffee as Cory took his turn cleaning up for the day.


   "We'd better hurry," Cory stated "It would look bad if we were late."

  At that, they both ran to the hanger deck and checked their fighters while waiting for the rest of the squad. They all came running in just as they finished their preflight checks. Hawk, Surni and Rufin went to their fighters, starting their own preflight checks. Chuff and Shoure checked out the troop transports and powered them up. Caguan split his twenty fighters, ten in each shuttle, along with the fleet ground troops. It was as tight fit but the squad was ready for launching at the end of the hour.

  With that the fleet launched every available ship. If a person was watching from a distance it would look like a swarm of bees leaving the hive.
  The fighters led the way down to the surface as the troop transports followed. The retaking of Sha'agra started.

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