Chapter 35

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The next two days were spent clearing out the shelter they used leaving behind dispensers. It was surprising how many souvenirs you were given by the grateful people. Many of them now friends.

As they were about to leave a young native ran up to Surni, tears streaming down her face, and hugged her.

"Goodbye, little one." Surni hugged back "I have to go help others now."

The little girl released her and ran off to join a group of young natives. Getting into her ship she was blinking away tears of her own.

"You OK,Surn?" Hawk asked.

"Yes," Surni replied "That was the one I told you about."

"How did you get her outside?" he asked next.

"I told her I was leaving," Surni answered "and if she wanted to say goodbye she had to see me here."

"Guess it worked." Hawk stated.

Ending the conversation they both got into their fighters and powered up. Together the squad took off, skimming over the countryside slowly climbing into the clouds where they pushed their throttles forward and sped back to the Revenge. After landing the squad powered down and climbed out of their ships. Turning to leave and return to duty, the group set off for their duty stations until lunch.

As usual Cory walked Krystal to the bridge. Giving her a quick kiss he left to keep his promise to Surni. Running to their quarters he started the coffee. While he waited for Surni he called the rest of the squad to join them. In just a few minutes the quarters filled up with those who were taking a break before returning to duty. Most surprisingly T'ilvesh showed up and grabbed a cup himself.

"I know you, Commander," Cory accused "What's up now?"

"I scheduled a strategic meeting for this evening." T'ilvesh told him "Any ideas will be welcomed."

"Should I figure on having dinner during this meeting?" Cory inquired.

"Most likely," the Commander responded "Why?"

"Just asking." Cory said as the Commander put down his cup.

"Back to twenty hour days." Rufe complained jokingly "On the bright side, lots of food."

The others there looked at him curiously.

"I would have expected that from Shoure," Cory teased "not you."

"Well, I want something new from Earth." Rufe said.

"I'll make a list of what I brought." Cory stated "I downloaded the cookbooks so you can find what you want."

Break time being over the group broke apart until the meeting later.

Cory went to the hanger to help inspect the squads ships. This took the rest of the day to accomplish, making sure everything was in working condition. Even so the time passed quickly so Cory was somewhat surprised when the crew chief tapped his shoulder.

"We're done," the chief said "go home to your life."

"No such luck " Cory returned "Now I have a squadron meeting. I won't see my life for a while yet."

"Then go," the chief said "you're finished for the day here."

Cory left, walking back to his quarters to clean up before going to the bridge. Passing the mess hall he decided to grab a snack. Walking to the dispenser, he grabbed a sandwich and drink. He sat near the doorway since he was leaving soon.


Cory strode onto the bridge, looking around he couldn't see Krystal or T'ilvesh in the command center. He turned to look in the ready room and saw the door to the conference area was open. He made his way to the door, dodging around the desk, he walked in to find only Krystal and the Commander.

"So I'm early?" Cory questioned "How much time before this starts?"

"About half an hour." T'ilvesh answered "Gives us time to eat."

"I just had a sandwich," Cory said "I thought we were going to brainstorm a while before we ate."

"Told you." Krystal said to T'ilvesh "You lose. I'll take my time off tomorrow."

"Huh?" Cory said, puzzled by the exchange "What are you talking about?"

"I just got a free day off." Krystal gloated "I bet you'd get something to eat right before the meeting." She pointed to T'ilvesh and continued "He said you wouldn't because you were told we'd eat during."

"I always have something to eat before a meeting." Cory said "Need the energy for intensive thought. Don't let me stop you, though."

The Commander and Krystal nodded.

"I'll order." Cory volunteered going to the dispenser. He brought back two gyros sandwiches and fries with coffee. The smell had both mouths watering as Cory set the plates in front of them. He then sat across from them to watch their reactions to the meats flavor.

Krystal didn't wait picking the sandwich up and take a bite. She smiled as the flavors and textures of the sandwich filling her mouth merged into a taste sensation.

"This goes on my short list." Krystal said "This is amazing. The seasoning is perfect."

T'ilvesh hadn't wasted any time biting into his sandwich, nodding his approval.

As they were about to take a second bite Cory stopped them and gave each a container of the sauce to pour on. As soon as they bit into their meal both almost dropped the food from their mouths when the sauces addition became apparent.

"That's a gryos sandwich." Cory said "Influenced by the people from a different country on my world."

"When this is over," Krys started "We are going to tour Earth."

"Not going to be cheap." Cory told her "Travel is expensive."

"Not for us," Krystal said "We'll get one of the smaller ships on Cinotae and use a training fighter for local travel"

"And just how do you intend to pay for the ships?" Cory wanted to know.

"After we're finished fighting," T'ilvesh interjected "You'll have your choice of ships. You just ask and it will be supplied."

"Great," Cory started sarcastically "I'll have to take 2 jobs to keep you fed."

"Three jobs," Krys retorted "We're bringing the squad with."

"Hey!," Cory shot back "They can get their own jobs and feed themselves."

As T'ilvesh and Krys finished their food Cory became quiet. He was worried about how Chuff was going to react once he was home. He had watched the reactions of Buck and his friends when fighting, they were reckless. Cory was surprised that he constantly had to stop Buck from charging into buildings. Slowing him down, making him cautious was a chore. Buck apologized later, he had gotten excited being back home, freeing what was left of his race. Cory wondered how Chuff was going to handle the pressure of being in charge. This was Chuff's mission, his home. Cory would talk to him when he came in.


A/N: I'm sorry I haven't done this for a while. Please, if you find typos, grammatical errors or have constructive criticism, leave a comment. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

Recruit: Book One of the Universal Conflict ( Under Constant Editing)Where stories live. Discover now