Chapter 30

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  The ship approached the Moon from the dark side avoiding detection from Earths satellites. The shuttle Cory piloted shot out of the hanger bay heading to Earth. Engaging the cloaking systems, Cory and Krystal headed towards the airfield where they landed just outside the fence.

  "It wasn't all that long ago you first showed me the fighter in this spot." Cory told Krystal "I thought you were insane."

  "Gee, thanks," Krystal responded sarcastically "I love you, too."

  "Well, it's true." Cory insisted "You sounded crazy, but you proved it. I would have stayed with you anyway, even if you were a bit unbalanced."

  "OK," Krystal said "we're wasting time here.  We need to get our mission completed quickly so we have time to see your parents and get 'married'."

  Walking into town in the dark, holding hands, the pair made their way to Corys old apartment building. Passing by Cory almost turned into the door.

  "Only another mile to my parents house." Cory told her "Lucky it's nice out tonight."

   "Won't they be sleeping?" Krystal asked "I'd hate to wake them."

  "They won't mind. I've been gone for six months." Cory answered "If anything they'll be mad at me for not saying anything about leaving."

  "Maybe we should wait until morning." Krystal said, a worried tone in her voice.

   "Now you're worried?" Cory almost laughed "You... You who walks into a building full of Ruchki's are scared to meet my parents? You're kidding me? Right?"

  By the time they were in the middle of their discussion they were standing in front of the door. Knocking on it ended all talk. A moment later a petite woman opened it. Her jaw dropped open as she saw Cory standing in front of her.

  "Hi, Mom. I need to talk to you and Dad. It's important." Cory said sheepishly.

  "You leave for six months and that's all you have to say" Corys mom demanded.

  "I'm sorry, Mom," Cory tried to apologize "I really am. Things got crazy suddenly and I didn't have time to contact you before I left."

  "Well, come on in," His mom said "and bring the young lady with you."

  "Mom, this is Krystal." Cory introduced "Krystal, this is my Mom."

  Krystal smiled as she entered the house "It's very nice to meet you."

  "Nice to meet you, too." Corys mom replied showing them into the kitchen "Sit, I'll get something to drink after I get your father."

  "She seems sweet to me." Krystal whispered as his mom left to get his father.
  "Believe me," Cory replied " I haven't heard the last of it."
  Krystal looked at Cory like she didn't believe him.

  Soon footsteps could be heard coming into the kitchen, voices growing louder as Corys parents approached them.

  "Cory brought a girl?" His father could be heard asking "You're not pulling my leg are you, Sally?"

  "No, Brad," His mother snapped back "I'm not and you'll be lucky if you don't break your jaw when it hits the floor when you see her."

  His father walked into the kitchen and stopped dead when he saw the two sitting at the table. As he got a good look at Krystal his mouth dropped open.

  "Hi,Dad," Cory said smiling broadly "this is Krystal."

  "Hello." Krystal said smiling shyly "It's nice to meet you."

  "Umm, Nice to meet you, too, Krystal." Corys Dad replied still shocked "You have some explaining to do, Son. Like where you've been for so long. More importantly why."

  "That's why I'm here," Cory replied giving Krystal an 'I told you so' look "Sit down, this is going to take awhile."

  After his mother set drinks in. front of each seat she sat and Cory started to explain the situation.

  "Well, it's like this," Cory started to say "I'm going to sound insane but please let me finish before you say anything, OK?"

  "Alright," His Dad said "you realize if you sound too nuts I'll have you committed."

  "What if I can prove it." Cory asked "What then?"

  "We'll figure that out when you finish your story." Brad replied.

  "But you have to give me the chance to prove I'm telling the truth. Deal ?" Cory insisted.

  "Deal." Brad replied.

  Cory starts by asking if they remembered the news story of the 'asteroid' sightings half a year ago. His parents nodded, letting him continue. Cory then explained how he met Krystal and the feeling he had when he grabbed her when he about knocked her into traffic and his subsequent search for her. He then explained that when he found her she had told him where she came from he thought she was crazy until she had proven she wasn't lying. He told them about meeting the Commander and agreeing to help. Then he told them about joining the fleet and fighting alongside countless species to help defeat the Ruchkitay. He finished by telling his parents why he had returned that night.

  "Sounds pretty crazy." His father said when Cory finished talking "How do you intend to prove your story?"

  "How would you like to take a little trip and meet the Commander?" Cory asked.

  "Where is he?" Sally inquired nervously.

  "Holding position behind the Moon." Krystal spoke up "We still have time to get back to the ship if we leave before it gets light out."

  "How long would we be gone?" his father asked skeptically.

  "Just until after darkfall tonight." Cory answered.

  "Where is this ship at?" Brad asked his son.

  "Just outside the fence at the airport. In my stargazing field" Cory replied instantly "We leave now, we'll have plenty of time."

   Piling into his parents car the four headed towards the airport where the small transport was hidden by it's cloak. Upon reaching the field his father turned onto the dirt road and drove a few hundred yards then stopped when Cory informed him to.

  "I don't see a thing out there," Corys Dad said "where is this ship of yours?"

  Cory held up the remote cloak activator "You're sure you're ready for this?"

  "Cory..." Brad growled at his son as he began to lose his patience.

  "Look straight ahead." Cory said as he deactivated the cloak.

  His parents sat shocked into silence as the ship appeared in front of the car, only a few yards away.

  Climbing out of the car Cory and Krystal escorted the others into the small personnel carrier they had used instead of their fighters. Making sure his parents were secured properly Cory took the controls.

  "Ready?" He asked as he powered up the ship.

  His parents sat, white faced and still trying to accept the fact they were going into space, much less past the Moon. His parents nodded and Cory took off pointing the nose of the ship towards the Moon.




Recruit: Book One of the Universal Conflict ( Under Constant Editing)Where stories live. Discover now