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Karter stood outside the black door waiting for it to open for her. Her eyes buzzed around the doorframe trying to get familiar with the location. From the Ring doorbell, paneled numbers on the wall, the door mat, the peeping hole in the door, over and over as she waited.

Be groovy or leave, man. Karter laughed lightly at the message written on the doormat in a funky font. Her laughs were cut short when she heard the lock moving behind the door, she looked up and watched as the black door peeling back revealing the open home.

The smell of marijuana slapped her in the face, making her blink a couple times. Karter scrunched up her face and looked at the figure standing by the door. "Since when did you smoke weed?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"So you're already asking questions before you even greet me?" Dalys lifted his eyebrows at her. The man stepped back silently telling her she was free to come in.

Karter took a step in the place while looking all over. "I wasn't going to greet you. I stood at your door for two minutes." She said poking her thumb out quickly to the direction of the door showing that she was upset.

Dalys' apartment was more than nice, it gave Karter penthouse vibes—but it wasn't. Dalys thought that would be too flashy, that she knew.

It was dark but had extreme elegance. The theme was black. She looked over at the living room and her brow naturally lifted. He had wooden tile for the flooring. A dark Grey couch that was pushed again the wall. Curtains we're spread open showing the clueing to floor walls that seemed to be the only walls.

He didn't have many portraits up but she was able to notice one. It was a young boy standing between two adults. She assumed it was him and a family portrait.

Dalys noticed her looking around and moved in front of her view, leaning on the wall parallel from her. "No..I don't smoke weed—or barely do. My friend was over here smoking."

"You let them smoke over here?" She asked. Karter's nose was still scrunched.


"Fuck you." She quickly jibed with an eyeroll.

Days laughed at her. "Why are you looking like that? Like you never smoked pot. DARE activist, are you?"

"Like three times." She shrugged. While her friends smoked all the time she found her schizophrenia to be more intense than it already was, when she was high she tried to stay away from it.

"Shocker." He said as he pushed himself off the wall. "You hungry? Thirsty?" He shot at her.

Karter shook her head. "No, I just had lunch with my friend. I like your apartment, Dalys. It's nice."

"Thank you." He told her, flashing a smile, his bright teeth showed in their perfect rows. "Speaking of friends..were your friends the same muhfuckas we saw on our date?"

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