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Her feet pounded against the concrete with every land she made. Heart beating out of her chest but yet she couldn't stop. She'd finally found the peace she was looking for. How could she stop? How dare she stop and come back to a world filled with so many problems for her. She couldn't, Karter couldn't.

She made sure she had steady breaths as she ran on the long tree surrounded trail. Breathing was the only thing on her mind right now. Not even her favorite song that was blasting through the Airpods stuffed in her ears. Not how she'd get back to her car. Not what time it was. Not how long she'd been running. Not the sweat dripping from her body. Not her illness. Not her friends. Nothing, but breathing.

It was 7:37 AM, on a Tuesday morning. Her first day of running. The sun was barely up but she didn't mind, she just wanted to run. How far? She didn't know. She'd been running for 37 minutes. And little to her knowledge her phone would be sounding off an alarm in three minutes telling her to stop.

From five minutes into the run she found out this would probably be a frequent thing she'd be doing. It was just what she wanted—what she needed.

Minutes went by and just like clock work her phone was vibrating on the side of her thigh. Karter breathed in deeply through her nose starting to slow herself down. She didn't want to but she had to.

"Fuck," the curse word came out of her mouth almost inaudibly. Once at a complete stop she grabbed her phone and silenced the alarm before unlocking the phone with her thumb and going to her workout tracker.

3.1 miles in 40.45  minutes.

A smile spread across her face. It was her first time free running and she did three miles easily. She was proud. She stared ever so often blinking until she shivered. Stopping her workout caused her heart rate to drop; she was feeling the chilly temperatures now.

"Good job." She told herself before turning around getting ready to head back to her car, if she could find it.

Now more relaxed, she took time to look at the scenery around her. It was beautiful, tall trees with many aspects of nature within them.

back at her car Karter flicked through her phone looking at her Google calendar—another way she organized her life aside from reminders.

Today she had two classes to attend on campus and she was going out with Arijah for lunch. Her classes started at 10:20 and she'd be out of there by 1:00, since she planned to study a little bit.

It was only 7:46 (AM) right now so technically she had time to go home, shower, and take a decent nap but she felt like that would defeat the purpose of her workout.

"Oh, I forgot," just as she got ready to start her car she remembered she wanted to take a picture on her camcorder.

It was something she'd been trying to do lately; take a picture of things she did during her day.

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