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Karter blinked her eyes on the phone as she stared at her friend, trying to register what he'd just said to her.

"Dalys what?" She asked with her eyebrows scrunched and her lips curled.

The man laughed a little into the phone as he looked from Karter to the computer screen in-front of him. "I said I'd go back out there just for her."

"You're sick. Why did you even tell me that?" She asked with her face scrunched up.

"You asked me what my favorite vacation was!" He pointed out. "That was my favorite."

"I wanted to know which was your favorite from experience not from-"

"That is an experience." He jibbed.

"You're just gross. Like in all honesty."

Karter previously asked Dalys what his favorite vacation was after she learned that he owned a travel business, as well as being a pilot. After he told her his trip to Cancun was his favorite, because of who he had in his bed she was no longer interested in knowing.

"Don't be mad cause I get bitches and you don't, bro."

Karter bursted out laughing, finding what he said genuinely funny. "Okay, you can think that, bud."

"What?" Dalys asked with a flat face.

"Think what you want." She repeated, still letting out small laughs. When the laughter stopped she noticed him sitting there with a blank face. That was funny to her but she wasn't going to laugh this time. "Any-who, I called because I wanted to invite you to a movie night me and my friend are having."

"Your nosy friend?" He wondered. He ran his hand over his silky waves while waiting for her response.

Karter smacked her teeth. "Arijah is not nosy." She declared with a strict voice.

"You sure? She kept eyeing us when we were making candles." He pointed out. He heard Karter smack her teeth and decided to move on. "I don't know if I can come, I have to fly to my native land tomorrow."

Karter frowned a little at his news. "Native land?" She asked confused. "Nigga, Africa?"

"No. Haiti."

"You're Haitian!?" Karter asked with a tone of shock in her voice." she realized her question was rhetorical and quick respond to herself before he could. "Never mind."

"Glad you realized how.. you sounded. I'm also Trinidadian."

"I'm hanging up." She countered while snatching up her phone. She didn't have time for his smart mouth today. It was about to piss her off. "It was rhetorical you asshole."

Dalys let out a big huff. "Don't go crying."

"Oh shut up."

"Anyways. I don't have to stay in Haiti since my client is staying out there for two weeks, so I guess I can come back to Cali'." He told her. Dalys appeared to lean over and grab something. He came back in the frame with a Chipotle cup, moving it causing the ice to make noise.

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