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Karter coughed in agony as she clutched onto the small trash can that sat between her legs. The coughs stopped and were replaced by deep breaths. Her head hit the glass shower behind her as her chest moved drastically.

She finally thought it was over until she felt her stomach clench again. Quickly she lifted the trash can and released all that her stomach was previously holding back.

Tears rushed down her brown cheeks as she tried to breath through all the disgorging she was doing. Shuffling was heard making her look up with her teary eyes.

There before her was Rhys coming into the bathroom, he kept a flat look on his face as he sat the chilled drinks on her bathroom counter. "Karter," he dragged while looking down upon her.

"Ugh," Karter sat the trash on the ground and allowed for her hot tears to run down her face. Whimpers were heard from her gaped mouth as she continued to cry while looking at the love of her life before her. She knew he was slightly mad at her. He knew her throwing up wasn't random. Plus he had to be mad; she missed the movie.

Rhys ripped a paper towel from the half used roll she had resting on her counter and folded it in half with one hand before squatting so he was at her level. He reached out and wiped her mouth, chin and cheeks off seeing they were a little damp. After, he released the napkin into the plastic bin between her legs and grabbed the water bottle he'd gotten from the apartment's refrigerator and put it to her lips practically forcing her to drink it.

Karter took a couple gulps of the water before moving her head away, silently telling him she was done. Drops of water fell on her raw chest due to her randomly pulling away. The feeling of the cold water made her uncomfortable due to her only being in her bra.

"Now, tell me what you did." Rhys demanded looking at her. Her cheeks were flushed with hints of red and her eyes had a sense of sadness in them.

"Rhys.." Karter whined in response, still having her head turned on the glass door.

"No." He shook his head. "None of that Rhys or Ade or whining or getting your way out of it, no. You're grown, I'm trying to help you. So tellme."

Karter felt so small under his assertive tone, she could tell he was agitated. He was right, that's exactly what she wanted to do; baby her way out of it simply because she knew he'd let her.

She turned her head straight, looking down. She could see the liquid in the trash bin along with parts of Rhys' feet. "You're creasing your shoes." Her frail hand lifted pointing out the bent toe of his nice black Yeezy Boost 700's.

"You think I care? Tell me."

A sigh left her lips. "I drank," she mumbled. Within seconds her head was back hovering above the bin as she began to vomit again.

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