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Karter stood beside Rhys holding his hand, comfortably. They were at River Cross Funeral home where his father was buried.

All eyes were on the large head stone, as they took in the moment. The headstone was beautiful; an angel-like figure was bent over the top with her arm stretched out over the head. A picture of Rhys was in the corner of the face of the headstone holding his children while looking straight ahead with a light smirk on his face. Rhys Ade Brooklyn Sr. Was engraved precisely not too low under the picture, along with his nickname and arrival and passing date.

Karter squeezed the hand wrapped around hers. She'd heard him release many deep breaths and she wanted him to know it was okay to release any emotions he was feeling.

Two minutes passed and Rhys' deep exhales were still heard but now along with something else; light sniffles. Subtly she looked up at him but noticed he was staring ahead, incredibly still. The siffles weren't from him. Karter moved her eyes from him over to Reign, quickly she caught on to the sign of distress.

Her lips quivered as she took in unsteady breathes; causing the sniffles. Karter tried to release Rhys hand but was unable to as he held a strong hold onto her hand. She continued to try and free herself so she could tend to Reign but he wouldn't budge, it was like he wasn't there.

"Rhys, I gotta-" Karter was cut off by a loud cry from Reign which seemed to snap Rhys back into reality. His head snapped in her direction seeing many tears begin to stream down her face.

He began to walk over to his little sister, dragging Karter alone, she wouldn't say anything though. Once he was close enough he released her head and wrapped his arms around his sister, pulling her into him.

Reign began to cry with her eyes still on her dad's headstone. Going to visit him was never easy for her. She was only seven when her father passed away and wasn't able to process the whole thing completely. As she grew up things became more clear and she was heart broken. She felt like her father was snatched away from her before she could build a relationship she was able to realize with him.

"B-bubby," Reign's voice croaked harshly as she called to her brother.

"I got you." He replied to her. He watched as Karter came over, she quickly grabbed some tissue and began to wipe Reign's tears away while also comforting her.

Rhys watched Karter for a second and felt an unknown emotion wash over him for just a short amount of time. It was like...extreme comfort and love. He waved it off and assumed it was due to seeing her care for Reign.

"Please, just more time,"

His attention went back to his sister seeing that she was now looking at the sky, unlike previously.

Rhys just continued to hold her, he didn't want to tell her it's okay because even he wasn't totally okay with the situation at hand. Life had fucked up ways.

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