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Karter stared at the curtains in her sight as she laid on the firm hotel mattress

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Karter stared at the curtains in her sight as she laid on the firm hotel mattress. A sliver of light peeked into the room, she'd usually hate when this would happen but today she didn't care at all, in fact she was glad it came through.

Karter laid in the same position she'd woken up in—with the exception of a couple arm and leg adjustments. The sound of deep breathing was heard a little ways behind her taking over the space but she knew it was just Arijah.

Karter knew she'd been up for a little while. She'd spent her time thinking back on her life.

Was Karson truly sorry? Or did he actually see me like that and apologized so I'll feel better?

The burning question. It'd been floating in circles in her mind since a few minutes after she'd woken up.

Karter wasn't sure if she forgave her brother just yet. The words still hurt her—even after his apology. She knew they should talk more but Karter also felt like all the blame was on her. Of course it wasn't fair for Karson to make all the calls but blowing up on his little sister when he was almost thirty pissed Karter off.

"At your big age?" She mumbled to herself. Karter rolled over in the bed and saw her phone on the small side table, she smiled when she saw it was on the charger—Arijah must've put it on for her. Karter leant over and grabbed the phone.

When the phone lit up Karter was met with her usual notifications from her various social media outlets, and of course her message from Rhys.

She decided to ignore the notifications and went straight to Twitter, she needed other opinions. She had a good amount of followers on her Twitter so she knew there would at least be some responses to the tweet if it didn't thrive.

When people apologize for fuck ups they could control do you think they'll truly sorry?

She bit her lips while looking at the bright screen being held above her face. She decided to make it a thread.

When do you feel like you know when it's genuine?

After tweeting the thoughts she looked over and saw Arijah sound asleep in the 2nd bed in the room. Her locs were exposed and all over as she had her face pushed into the pillow. The thought of taking a picture of her crossed Karters mind but she decided not to.

The time was only 10:35, breakfast ended at 11:00 Karter was barely hungry but she wanted to get her kind something so she decided she'd creep down there and grab a pastry. She was stress eating;  something she didn't do too.

She quickly threw on the jacket she bought from the store they stopped at before the airport, Arijah's Crocs and headed down to the elevator. She knew Arijah wouldn't care, they grabbed something quick from each other all the time when they had to do something. She quietly made her way out the door being sure that she had her room card.

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