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Rhys sat beside Karter listening to the car sales manager tell her about the car she'd just finished purchasing.

The car was a 2020 Hyundai Sonata. Karter chose a later model of her previous car. She felt it would allow her to keep some piece of memory of the old she had, plus the car was nice. The leather seats, no stick shift, it wasn't too small, cruise control, and so much more.

"Okay," reaching behind his desk, Mike, the car's sales manager grabbed the key fob and held it out to Karter. "You are all set. Thank you for your purchase, enjoy." With a bright smile he pushed the keys closer to her seeing that she wasn't grabbing them.

Rhys lightly bumped his knee against hers, seeing she had little to no reaction. She was out of it. Reaching forward he grabbed the keys and thanked Mike. "Hm, come on Kar'." He told her while standing in front of her. He grabbed her hand lightly pulling it.

Karter slowly stood up taking Rhys' lead out of the office. He supported her slightly limp body until they made their way outside in the heat. While some people looked, he didn't care. His main focus was Karter and not those who were judging her.

Lightly grabbing her face he made her look into his eyes. "What's wrong, Angelica?"

Karter blinked for a minute before gulping down her spit. "M-my he-spi-" she huffed before ultimately tucking her lips in, preventing her from talking. She hated when her words got jumbled together but she couldn't help it. She practically had no control, it happened so randomly.

"Keep talking Kar' tell me what's wrong. Just talk, I know what you mean." Slowly caressing her check with his thumb, Rhys tried his best to insure Karter she had no reason to stop.

"My head...is spinning." She took a deep breath while slowly blinking and then said, "I'm dizzy."

Fuck. Looking down at her, Rhys continued to caress her deeply pigmented face. The time was a little after 6:00PM, he knew this because she'd taken her medicine not too long ago. It had to be the medication that was making her feel dizzy. They'd been in dealerships since about 11:30AM and hadn't gottenfood, which left Karter to take the pills on a practically empty stomach. The side effects wouldn't withdraw until she ate something.

Yet it wasn't his fault Rhys felt bad for his ex-girlfriend. It wasn't Karters fault either. It was the slow employees fault—in his opinion.

He wanted her to celebrate and drive her new car home but instead she'd have to go in his car, get some type of food, then come back and drive her car.

"Ade, the heat, it's worse."


Karter laid back on the couch with one of her legs under her, watching Criminal Minds. At first she played the show just to have something on the TV. Now she really liked it and had watched 3 seasons within a couple days.

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