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"Wassup, Karson?" Rhys replied, looking at the man in front of him. They were about the same height, Karson being taller.

Karson, who was a little confused, asked. "Where's Karter?" To his knowledge his little sister had broken up with her boyfriend about a year ago. Since Rhys answered the door to her apartment he assumed they'd gotten back together.

"She's in the room," Rhys soon backed up, realizing the man was wanting to come in. "I'll go get her."

Karson stepped inside the warm apartment, looking around it. He nodded at what Rhys said.

Rhys made his way back to Karter's room glancing at her brother a couple of times. Rhys hadn't seen Karson in a long time but he knew he was typically a nice person..today he didn't seem like his normal self.

Once in Karter's room, Rhys walked over to the large bed where Karter was still fast asleep and lent over her. "Kar'." He lightly tapped her shoulder. She began to move and stir around in her sleep the longer he continued to touch her. "Karter, your brother wants to talk to you."

"Hm?" She hummed while still asleep. Rhys chuckled before sitting in the bed. He shook her thigh and watched her eyes open. "Rhys I'm tired." She told him, moving her leg back so he couldn't grab it again.

Rhys tried not to chuckle at the way she tucked her legs back. "Angelica..Karson is in your living room."

Her eyes quickly popped back open. "Huh?"

"Karson is here—in your living room." He repeated. He watched as she blinked her eyes a couple times before lifting her hand to her face. Karter wiped her eyes and then began to pat around the bed looking for her phone.

Rhys saw that it was the side of her and reached and got it for her. After she had the phone she clicked it on and looked at the time; 8:56AM. She dropped the device and looked back over at Rhys. "Tell him I don't want to talk to him." After speaking Karter tried to clear her throat, she didn't like the grogginess in it.

"You and I both know that's not gonna make him go away. Talk to him." Not wanting to hear about rebuttal from her Rhys stood from the bed and headed straight to her bathroom. While inside he went under her sink and grabbed the toothbrush he always used while over there and began to brush his teeth.

Soon the cracked door was pushed open and in came Karter who was adjusting her shirt. Her eyes flickered up to the tall man before she rolled her eyes. She stood on the side of him—sharing the sink.

Rhys was confused and dented his eyebrow. He continued to move the toothbrush in circular motions while looking at her. He did this for thirty more seconds before he spit out the foamy white liquid. Rhys held the tooth brush out and said "You're not gonna talk to him? And why you rolling your eyes—you just woke up." Before putting the tooth brush back into his mouth.

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