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Scrolling down her website Karter cringed at all of the unfilled orders she'd received. Karter surely wasn't lying when she told the man she made jewelry on her speed date, in fact it was her current profession.

Her website consisted of custom made—name necklaces, custom engraved pieces, and hand made pieces like bracelets, necklaces, and waist beads.

Growing up Karter often saw people in her family wearing waist beads but never understood until her mother made her one and told her the purpose when she was about ten years old. She wore them throughout her childhood until she grew out of it and never received another from her mother.

Once she became seventeen she decided to reach out to her grandma— who lived in Jamaica and asked if she could teach her and ever since she'd been able to make them, though she didn't wear them all the time. Now that she sold them, she hoped people did research on them and wore them for the right reason.

Karter decided to count all over the orders she received since she took a two week break and was able to see she'd received 41 orders which shocked being that these customers knew they wouldn't receive their package as fast.

"I should have a sale," she thought out loud while sitting her iPad on the coffee table in front of her. Karter knew she would need to go to the store for supplies but she couldn't decide on who to call so she could ask for a ride.

She knew Rhys always would but she didn't want to ask him to the point that he was tired of her. Arijah would but she was most likely doing hair, just like she was when she and Karter talked earlier. And Moriah was at work. Karter really didn't want to take an Uber but it seemed like that was what she was about to do.


Clicking out of the Uber app Karter went to her messages searching for her good friend, Taylin. Right before she could search his name up she noticed the man from the speed date, Dalys, texted her. Clicking on the message she noticed he'd texted two hours ago.

Karter kept his messages on mute for multiple reasons, one, she felt as if she seemed desperate when she replied right away to him, two, she barely knew him, and three, she didn't want to grow any feelings quickly if she even grew some.

Dalys E.
Not really, I'm not in Cali all of the time yk.
When I am here though my homies usually force me to go out with them, I barely know where the fuck I'm headed to half the time.

Karter previously asked if Dalys had ever visited Age ≠ Limit, it was an event center that held many things a typical arcade would but the only difference was that everything was supposed to be designed for adults.

Karter had never gone personally, but her friends visited the place a couple times and told her it was fun but challenging, designed for adults.

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