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"I think we should definitely go out for breakfast after we change."

Arijah's accented voice made Karter's eyes move. Before she responded to Arijah, Karter pulled out her phone and checked the time. 8:56 A.M.

"That's fine." Karter responded, she gave Arijah a light shrug and then bent down into the red basket and handed her the black and purple crew neck she'd picked out.

The pair was at target bright and early. They woke up nearly at the time and desperately wanted to shower so they headed straight to the store.

Arijah lifted her arm and ran her index finger between and neat Evan cornrows braided in her scalp . "Or if you don't want to, we don't have to. I'll just stop at McDonald's or Panera." She opined. After scratching her scalp she decided to run her hands over the braids checking to see if they were messy, even though she knew deep down they weren't. After getting her hair wet at the beach Arijah decided to rip out the 24" hair installed in her head. "All I know is that I need to slap this hat on ASAP."

"No, we can go eat."

"Okay." Spinning around a little, Arijah pulled out her phone and proceeded to pay for the girl's outfits with Apple Pay. "Maybe we can explore a little? I've never been out here, maybe it could be our little getaway spot?"

"I don't plan on coming back out here..really." Tucking her lips in Karter grabbed the bags of clothes and headed towards the exit of the Target.

Arijah looked over at her and and smirked a little. "On bro, city trash any muthafuckin' way."

Strings of laughter rolled from the both of them. Karter laughed a little harder when she spotted a young boy looking at them with his eyebrows scrunched up.

"I love you so much." She told Arijah after her laughter calmed down.

"Duh, that's why we're Luva's babe." She sang as she snatched the receipt from the printing machine and grabbed Karters hand before they began to walk off, combined fist swinging likely with every step.

Karter couldn't help but shake her head. Her heart still hurt but her best friends loving energy comforted her. This was what she needed.

Soon they were back in Arijah's car getting ready to pull off. Karter fiddled with her phone biting on the skin of her lip.

Clicking the messaging app on her phone Karter watched as the app expanded over her cracked screen. The messages were the same as last night. Rhys' thread was open since it was the last one she tapped on last night and the paragraph stared right at her.

She hadn't responded yet, she felt like the words she'd say back to him wouldn't be enough to match his. Karter felt bad for not sending a response but she knew that Rhys knew what kind of person she was and how her thought process acted out, she hoped he understood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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