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Rhys pushed his fists into the leather seats of his automobile moving himself over a little. His chest moved up and down rapidly as his self Conscience began to try and calm him down.

What the fuck did I just do?

Feeling soft hands on his chest he quickly moved his eyes and placed them on the person in front of him. Ranaige.

"Ranaige," he called out looking at her.

The woman's eyes met his, making him take a deep breath through his mouth. "Huh?" She asked, in her soft subtle tone. Her plump lips tucked in as she impatiently waited for his answer.

"I kinda need you to-"

"Oh," lifting off of him Ranaige rolled beside him in the car sitting on the next seat over. "Sorry,"

"You don't need to be sorry." Rhys told her as he pulled the protective device off of himself. He quickly opened his door and tossed it out before shutting it again.

"Okay.." she trailed off, her voice almost inaudible.

Rhys looked over at Ranaige and noticed her fiddling with her shirt trying to fix it. Why is she so passive? He asked himself. Rhys pulled up his pants and sat up. He was in deep thought.

He was partially confused on how his previous actions happened; he knew he wanted it but he didn't know what caused the emotion. It must be the acid.

"Do you mind driving me to my car? I was here with a student and parked kind of far."

"I got you." Looking back over at the woman was back dressed with her leggings pulled back up over her thick thighs. He noticed the fabric on her hand and analyzed it. Realizing it was her underwear he spoke up again. "I could take you to the store first.."

"No. I have things in my car."

"Oh." He spoke shortly before exiting the backseat heading to the front. "Don't sit on the back..that's awkward yo'."

Ranaige snickered to herself. "You're funny to care about a one..night stand." She told him. The woman wasted no time walking to the passenger seat of the automobile.

Once seated she ran her hands over the small curls on her hair as she looked out the window. Ranaige could see the flower covered arches throughout the garden and couldn't believe how her visit ended.

Rhys had begun to drive the car slowly at the ten miles per hour order the garden gave. It was silent in the car, only making him feel more anxious.

"Where did you park?"

"Around the handicapped parking lot." She told him. She watched as his hazel eyes landed on her making her speak up. "I'm not handicapped but my student broke his leg not too long ago so,"

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