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It was a normal school day for her. Yashiro Nene goes to clean the bathrooms with a ghost glued to her back wrapping his limbs around her torso, it was the same old routine with the same teasing and the same result of a headbutt with the apparition lying on the floor rubbing his area of injury. Before springing back up in the air again.

Everything was the same. 

The same route to go home.

The same sun setting in the distance.

Same people going to and from places.

Same thoughts running through the girl's head between boys and school and supernaturals...a certain supernatural boy- but she shakes that thought off for now.

Nene decides to run an errand nothing special, just some more sunflower seeds for her hamster, Black Cannon.

All is well...

all except for...

a body to be found in cold blood lying in an ally way...

the bloodshed...of her own. 

Several days pass and she doesn't show up...this is not the same. This is not normal. Aoi stares at her vacant desk wondering where friend Nene chan may be.

The unfortunate girl lingers in the ally confined to the space for what seems like it will be an eternity, with the sheer determination to hold her friends close and see them again is the only thing keeping her grounded in this world.

She began to lose hope in seeing them until rumors on the street began...

"Did you hear? There was a school girl found in this alleyway a few weeks ago, not much is known of the circumstances, but it was a student coming home- they say that she met a terrible fate and was stabbed from behind 8 times. They say you can still feel her restless spirit still haunting this block, as she may be on the lookout for her murderer."

Nene is confused about a so-called murderer, she doesn't like this one bit... she refuses to be a vengeful spirit. But to go against the rumor would spell out doom for her.

Luckily the boundary has expanded to the block having a little more wiggle room to move.

On the other side of the city, a new rumor emerges in Kamome Academy...

"Did you hear? There has been more activity in the third-floor girl's bathroom, some have heard the disembodied screams and the rattling of all the bathroom stall doors. They say that this is the fault of Hanako san, something is probably angering her for some reason."

"But nothing's changed."

"Well nothing except that incident with a first-year"
And despite this tragic event, to the students-

"But maybe that is just coincidence."


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