Chapter Nineteen: The Calm Before...

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Akane walks into the classroom and it feels off. He scans the room. There are currently 2 empty desks, one being Yashiro san's and the other...

His beloved Aoi.

Right there he has a terrible gut feeling. Even though he's only 5 minutes early, she's never late. In fact she's always 15 minutes early. He knows because he always makes sure to be 30 minutes early- mostly for student council duties- as well as being the one to greet her first. Deep down in his gut, his Aoi instincts are alarmed.

She's been more quiet lately, but he was dealing with another situation with two different bosses that he didn't pay attention to the person who holds his heart.

Their conversation on the phone from the other night stands out.

Akane knows... He's certain he knows where she is...

"S#!%" he curses,

"What's the matter Aoi?" Lemon says still with his head focused on his phone screen. Akane gets looks, "I have something I need to do. Tell sensei I have some student council stuff to take care of." he walks out the door.

"Alright. Cool. Have fun" Lemon says.

Akane paces down the hall, fists clenched, he reaches into his pocket brushing the edge of his watch, but hesitates for a second.

"No- that won't be enough...." he takes out his phone finding the recent contact he added, "younger Minamoto'' he starts pressing the call, no answer, another call, it goes to voicemail. Frustrated after a few more attempts, he angrily opens a text and types.

He then shuts it off, grabbing for his watch.

"Hear me now Honorable No. 7, if you so much as touch a single hair on my goddess' head, I will make you regret your entire existence"


Nene continues to stay next to her mother with small talk, currently the woman pushing up the glasses occasionally. Kou stretches still in his uniform from yesterday. He feels much better now and is a lot more rested. He's filled with more energy. He presses the power button on his phone. His eyes widened.

He had many miss calls, 17 from his brother, 5 from Akane senpai.

He has 4 messages.

"Minamoto kohai you need to hurry"

"Get to the school."

"Get to the school soon."

"Ao-chan was not in class this morning.

" Honorable No. 7 is up to something"

Kou's eyes widened even more.

Mrs. Yashiro was holding Nene's hamster cage in front of her daughter as she cooed as the hamster cleans itself.

"Senpai!" Kou shouts out the door startling the Yashiro's.

"What's the matter Kou kun-"

"It's Akane senpai! He says we have to get to the school NOW!" he holds up his phone showing the messages. Nene's eyes widened.


Nene turns to her mom. "I'm sorry momma, I have to go!" She starts running.

"Wait! Nene!" the woman reaches out.

Tragically- there was no time for slow heart felt good byes.

(Oh o


"But Nene chan!"


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