Chapter six: Lucid Masks and One sided Mirrors

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Kou walks into the Yashiro residence with his famous miso soup. He sits in the bedroom looking at his senpai tucked under the covers. Her nose sniffling as she lets out a high pitch squeak for a sneeze.

Kou hands her a tissue.

"Thank you Kou kun" she then blows her rosy red nose.

"No problem senpai, I'm here to help" he smiles. 

He looks away from her for a bit.

Kou takes in the scenery of the girl's very macabre but lively space full of plants. Though some looked to be in rough shape one that seemed to sit right across from Nene sat wilted slowly decaying.

Eight leaves begin to break from the vine, falling black and brown crumpling to the hardwood floor.
One by one.

They all fall down.

'Guess Senpai has been too unwell to take care of these plants. I better help her but I'll do it when she isn't paying attention I wouldn't want her to feel bad at not doing it herself' Kou thinks to himself.

He looks back around to see a few paintings, and  a beach photo with Him, his senpai and a shadowy figure with a crude drawing of Hanako plastered over the shadow hung on the wall.

It seemed faded and torn at the bottom right corner. 

"Hey senpai, whats up with this picture" 

She looks up from a book.

The book she is reading has quite the interesting title 

"My dear living dead."

Dead seems to be more highlighted- odd but nothing too off. 

She closes this book, placing it on her nightstand then placing a bookmark on the top of the cover instead of in the book...Kou isn't one for reading books but that seems a little odd to do. 

"Well don't you remember it's the beach photo! And I did my best to draw Hanako...I'm not the best artist but I tried!" She puffs her cheeks then sniffs up blowing into another tissue. 

He sweat dropped, "it looks great Senpai"

Kou continued to look around the room and spotted a mirror on the wall

 The mirror seemed to reach his attention.

He doesn't know why but...something about that mirror

As he stares at it something stares back.

he sees the reflection of himself until the image of a certain pink head appears.


He gets no response. The boy in the mirror just stares.

"Hey, cocky girly boy!" 

No response.

"And he calls me a creep and yet he is spying on Senpai" Kou mumbles. He stares at the pink head till he fades out of sight.

"Wow!"Nene exclaims this is delicious!

this is really delicious!" Nene slurps the soup. She is seemingly ignoring the fact Kou is speaking to her mirror.

"Thanks"  He is then greeted by the cheery face of his Senpai's mother

"Aw hello Minamoto san"

"Hello there Yashiro sama-"

"Please please you can call me oba chan"

Kou felt stagnent for some reason but he shook it off. That's a weird thing to suggest.

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