Chapter Sixteen: Truths Spill and Lies Fade

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Its a new day- Kou walks into school in a happy mood.

Teru had gone off and dropped off Tiara on his own today. As soon as Yoko and Satou were in sight they greeted him..

"Heeeyy Minamoto-" one of them wave he pulls them to the side

"I need a favor"

"Sure what is it."

"I need to go to your house tonight, Yokou."

"Eh? What for?"

" i told my brother that I would at your house- said we could have a study night."

"Well...I guess we do have that test next week..." Saito taps his chin.

"Well Im sure my parents couldn't deny a study session... we could watch a show and bake-" Yokou lists.

"Bake sweets right?" Saito's eyes lit up.

"Absolutely!" Yokou beams.

"But you aren't doing offense Yokou, I don't trust you with such a delicate cooking process so only Kou or your mom"

"Why me?" Kou asks.

"Because your confections are light and airy they look as good as the ones in pictures!" Sayto drools at the mouth.

"Yeah you should do it Kou!"


"As payment for us covering your tail...with what exactly?..." they looked at him waiting for the details.

"Well-" the bell interrupted.

Guess they will have to find out later.


After class...

As the last class of the day finished and everyone was packing up Kou was the last one.

"Delivery!" A voice squeaks he is met with an envelope to the face just like last time. He looks confused as the mokke pop in from their little card board truck-just as they did last time for his invitation to the festival from Nene.

But this time...

It was a letter from Hanako...

He opens it up to see a bunch of doodles and dinosaurs

Hey kid- sorry to say this but this message isn't for you unfori- (the character was scribbled out due the the spelling error)

Instead, this is meant for my lovely assistant. Don't worry- there's nothing erotic or vulgar in there~



The was an envelope with only one character written on the envelope.

For Yashiro

"At least he was somewhat normal again"...but Kou was fighting the urge to read the letter just in case he said anything that could be considered harassment to his upperclassman.

He stuffed the envelope in his bag and headed to his house to pack up....


"Alright Tiara- remember I left your dinners in the fridge. Remember- do not let Teru nii go into this kitchen. Understand?" Kou kneels down to face his sister.

"Mhmm Tiara is 5 years old Nii chan", she holds up 4 fingers, "Tiara is a big girl and can handle it herself!" She exclaims holding Fairy by the ears.

That poor mokke has become a rag doll at this point but still loves its master.

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