Chapter Twenty: The Storm

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Akane punches the 7th mystery in the face, sending him back again. Behind him, Aoi lies against the wall unconscious; she had a few scrapes noticeable but nothing too bad.

Still it was enough for the ginger to feel the need to beat up his boss.

The thing is... no matter how many times No. 7 was hit, he got back up...

Akane didn't hesitate to knock him away again.

"What was it you were telling me the other week? Yashiro is to you as Ao chan is to me. So you attacking the love of my life is like me trying to hurt Yashiro san. So keep that in consideration you slimy bastard." He says coldly watching Hanako stumble momentarily.

But he gets up again rolling his neck before staring daggers at the other mystery. Akane felt himself sweat under no 7's merciless gaze before he lunged again.

Akane quickly grabs Aoi, carrying her as he jumps out of the way while the apparition's knife embedded itself in the wall.

He is not holding back in the slightest...

This was not the same slimy bastard he knew, this was something more blood thirsty.

"No. 7, don't you dare touch her again!"

Hanako didn't listen. He flies towards him again.

'It's his fault too' his mind yells.

'If he cared about this girl so much he would have also kept Yashiro safe!' The thoughts continue to shout at him. He feels no longer in control of his movements. All he can do is watch as a first person spectator, as his form moves on its own. His eyes appear void of any color.

He watches his knife lunge again with No. 1 missing it.

Akane quickly picks up Aoi, jumping out of the way of the direction of the knife, once again then setting her safely against the still intact set of lockers.

Hanako once again changes direction.

Akane tries to think long and hard about his options as he looks at his pocket watch.

He only has three uses if he messes up.

He has to time it just right...

Hanako thankfully had set his sights on only the other mystery. So Akane moves to the opposite direction of an unconscious and vulnerable Aoi.

Akane watches his movements pinpointing.

As Hanako comes in his direction, he pushes down the pocket watch knob yet- maybe it's instinct but- Hanako dodges. The time circle seemed to only hold a bunch of floating debris.

The ginger felt uneasy watching the ghost dodge his defense that easily. Surely that had to be a miscalculated error.

So he holds his watch in his hands eagerly, keeping his gloved index finger on the button. He jumps out of the way a second time.

This time he'll catch him for sure. He's watched him flop around trying to catch Mirai.

No one can escape time itself anyway.

As Hanako gets his knife stuck in the wall for a 4th time, Akane takes this opportunity again.

Another time circle glows as it appears.

Yet he missed.

No.7 once again dodges.

This is becoming even more dangerous.

On top of that, Aoi slumps a little, causing the locker door to squeak, drawing the 7th mystery's attention.

'Last chance.' Akane is feeling restless against any better judgment leaped back in front of her unconscious body.

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