Chapter Eleven: The Reunion

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"Yashiro Senpai!!!" Kou runs toward her.

"Kou kuuun" she cries tears of relief. Both arms out stretched. They made a quick imbrace. It felt like forever. But Nene could finally hold someone again. She didn't care what happened in that moment she was just glad to feel all worries, loneliness, pain and fear melt away. Even if it is for a split second.

A clearing of the throat from behind interrupted their reunion. 

Kou looked at her and jumped back, she did the same both embarrassed. 

They start talking "senpai its so good to see you!"

"You too Kou kun!" 

Akane cleared his throat, I don't mean to be intruding on your conversation but perhaps we should take this else where perhaps a little more private..." he notions to Kou implying that he is getting weird looks from bystanders.

Nene frowned in understanding but also wary towards him. Especially after what happened with Teru. 

"Follow me."

They walk towards a less crouded area on the street. Kou was confused. 

"So why are we here?" Kou asked.

Nene looked at him biting the inside of her cheek. "Well I-" she looked up towards Akane clearly uncomfortable and inching a step from the ginger. 

"Don't worry Yashiro san. I'm not like him and I...understand your situation." Akane responded as if reading her mind.

She sighed in relief. Kou had a thought pop out of his head. Kou grabs Nene's hand not taking note how cold it is. 

'I found her and she is safe.' He thought to himself. "Lets go." He starts making way towards the end of the block with Nene behind and Akane in tow.

"Eh Kou kun- I really don't think I can..."

"Come on Senpai, we got to get you to Hanako he hasn't been himself since you were away!" He says  excitedly.

Nene hearing about Hanako for the first time felt a squeeze in her no longer existent chest.


But as the blond pulled her closer to the end of the street. She tried protesting.

"Come on Senpai he will be so happy-"but her hand wouldn't budge. He looked at her in confusion. 

Nene began to feel her eyes water. "Kou kun.." she pulled her arm away and clutched the hem of her uniform.

"Kou kun...I can't leave."

Kou was about to ask her why, but he he realized the sunlight...she's transparent...

Her hand was ice. 

Her hair and dress were flowing with no wind...

It finally dawned on him. 

" really are-" he choked. 

Akane looked away grimacing. This was a hard sight to witness. The younger Minamoto was about to burst at the seams...any second now.

Nene took the both of them toward her deserted place of residence, the alley way. 

Again Kou tried to string words together, "senpai-are you really-" he felt tears threatening to spill. Many emotions and expressions forming and melting on and off his face

Nene looked at him hesitantly, with her own watery eyes, and gave a small nod.

That was it. After that the dam broke. He fell to his knees. Dropping his staff and hands as he stares at the cement. "I failed..." he clenched his hands shaking " I really failed..." tears fall down he couldn't hold it in any longer. He couldn't deny it and think of it as nothing but horrible dream anymore. He tried so hard. But the crushing reality of it all had finally reared its head at him. He felt so weak. Had he failed as an exorcist? A friend? Both? He seems to finally hit his breaking point. How pathetic.

As all the thoughts blurred together, he felt a gentle cold touch surround him. He hiccuped and repeated over and over "I'm sorry" in a scratchy voice. 

Nene held back her own tears. She realized she has to be the strong one at this moment. It's hard but she has to. All she did was hug her grieving friend. She hugged him close.

"Its ok Kou kun. I'm alright. I feel safe now." She rubbed his back. 

It's not ok.

She's not alright.

But...she does feel safe again. 

Typically this would be awkward she has never hugged any other person except Aoi or her family this close. But this boy needed it. He was cracking and reassurance was the primary thing right now. She's cried to herself at night long enough. 

Finally he shakily reached an arm and then the other. Returning the gesture. She smiles melting into his living warmth. Until her back burns and she flinches pulling away. Her eyes tear up at the pain. Puts her hand across her shoulder backing away.

Kou looks at her in worry, tears still fresh on his face blood shot eyes. "a-are you ok? D-did I hurt you?" 

"N-no no, its just a sore area on my back" she backs up waving her arm at him in reassurance. "Its nothing, I promise." 

Akane raises a brow at her back being hidden by her hair. He decided its better to try and distract them with something else
"Now that that is over with let's find a way to tell honorable no 7."

Nene's eyes lit up. "So what is Hanako kun doing. You said he has been weird? Weird how?" 

The two boys looked at eachother. 

"Well..." Akane tried to figure out a way to put it bluntly.

"He's just worried is all." Kou speaks up. Worried, is a stretch but for her sake he will settle for that.

"Ok thats good"

"How long have you been here?" 

"Not too long." She strained to say with a smile.

Clearly their conversation was on a thin line it was hard to dodge most questions without crossing the line on fresh wounds from them both. On Nene's end mostly. Akane was getting bored of their grasping on as much small talk as they could get. So he chose to change the gears. "Yashiro san, do you know if you can get out of here?"

Nene thought for a moment. "When I woke up it was in this place. I couldn't leave and was held here by some invisible force." She looked back at the empty and infested alleyway with nothing but an industrial trash bin to keep her company. With a possibility lowlevel dirty supernatural hanging around. But she didn't tell them about the amount of spirits that harass her mostly at night. Sometimes in the day.

Both boys felt a tug in their heart. If this happened to Aoi, Akane wouldn't know what to do.

She continues, "I have heard nothing but rumors of me. As a vengeful spirit and stuff but I refuse to be that!" 

Kou nods. 

"But then...something happened, my rumor spread up to the entire street. Next thing you know I could at least walk back and forth around the block. It felt...a little better...

Kou's eyes widened. "Thats it!"

He gently yet excitedly takes her by the hands. "Senpai, I know how we can get you out of here!"

"You do?" Both Akane and Nene said at the same time.

To be continued...

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